
mikebamber avatar image
mikebamber asked

MultiPlus ii / AC PV / Pylontech Grid-Tie setup question.

Hi - I know this type of question has been asked before however I can't seem to get clarification on a few points. I really don't like the 'all in one' chinese inverters and my one has just gone pop.

What I want to do is this:

Use MultiPlus ii in grid tie NOT using the AC output
Use my standalone ABB PV inverter and possibly add more AC inverters

Use the PV and/or the grid to charge my 4x PylonTech US2000C Batteries and possible schedule charging during off-peak times inc. night time .

Use the batteries to provide power (with the PV/grid topping up) during times that I dictate (on an electricity tariff that can be very cheap one hour, very expensive another)

Can I do this all with a MultiPlus? I assume I'll need to buy a CT and/or energy meter device - can anyone clarify? Also assuming I'll need a cerbo to for battery comms etc.

Many thanks


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1 Answer
Marc Heymans avatar image
Marc Heymans answered ·

Not sure I understand what you want to do "Use MultiPlus ii in grid tie NOT using the AC output"

Using a multiplus with a grid tied inverter in an AC coupled configuration is an excellent setup, I have done many like this, in various sizes. Just be aware that in the event of a power outage and your batteries going flat you wont be able to charge using the grid tie as the Multiplus will have shut down.

You can get around this with using a seperate MPPT OR use the AC2 output as your primary load provider and then connect the PV inverter to AC out 1. You then program AC2 to shut down before minimum SOC is reached

I hope this makes sense?

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