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pdonner asked

VRM update wish: Added precision for RuuviTag

Hi. Thanks for all the wonderful VRM updates announced. Guy also invited us to make feature requests or suggestions for improvements.

The overview of all installations (or the fleet) could be enhanced to allow a column with a temperature reading.

I have an old feature request :( , which could essentially improve the use value of our present and future installations. We never got any feedback on the suggestion.

This is a VRM update which involves Venus OS. In the topic Can Cerbo relay control values correspond to Ruuvi temperature resolution? I demonstrated how to enhance RuuviTag functionality to take advantage of the precision of the device in controlling machine room heating systems.

I know how to make the enhancement on specific installations and how to make the change persistent. Would, however, like to spread the word of this excellent functionality to end users in our area. Would you have time to include the suggested feature in a future update?

VRMruuvi sensors
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