
tedebbers avatar image
tedebbers asked

Using Tesla cig socket as power source to charge RV battery

I have a Tesla and would like to use the cig socket to charge my RV battery. The socket gives 15.5 volts and 12 amps continuous output. Is there a Victron product that I could use in the scenario?

battery charging
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

An Orion DC:DC charger could be used. If the Tesla socket is continuously rated.

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tedebbers avatar image tedebbers commented ·
The 12/12-18, provides a current of 18 amps. I’m concerned that if tries to pull this much from the cig socket, that I will overload it, potentially blowing a fuse or worse. Thoughts?
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rvicev avatar image
rvicev answered ·

Cig sockets in cars are typically rated for 10A max; your Tesla cig socket is rated at 12 A; the wiring will be flimsy accordingly.

To answer your question : yes, it will probably work, but you are at the very limit .... Why don´t you change the cig socket into something a little bit more solid, like Anderson PP30 or PP45 with thicker wire accordingly - would make me feel a lot more comfy, if I were you !

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tedebbers avatar image tedebbers commented ·
Thanks so much, very helpful. Do you mean removing the cig socket and replacing with an anderson connector? What about the rest of the wire leading back to the battery? Sounds like a job that may be too tough to tackle, and might run afoul of Tesla warranty? Thanks again for your expertise!
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