
wolfgang-huse avatar image
wolfgang-huse asked

Remove entries from DBus Settings

Hello! I have created some devices via python when playing with dbus.

Now these devices seems to appear in VRM „last updated a month ago“.

I cannot delete them in VRM so I guess that I need to remove them from Cerbo Settings.

What is the easiest way to do this?

vrm advanced
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gone-sailing avatar image gone-sailing commented ·
Have you checked the Device List tab in VRM. Usually there is a big “Delete device” button on devices that have not been updated in a while.
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wolfgang-huse avatar image wolfgang-huse gone-sailing commented ·
no, that is not visible for these devices...
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Generally, things will show up in the device list when Venus OS finds a dbus service that matches one if it's know device types. These will disappear from dbus when you reboot if you remove whatever created them.

Settings are persistent and live in com.victronenergy.settings. These should not generate devices. You can remove settings with a command line call:

dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings / RemoveSettings "%[ /settingsPath ]"

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goups avatar image
goups answered ·

Is there a way to remove multiple entries at the same time ?

Like all the following:

dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/Devices/serialbattery_Volthium98Ah4cells2113_97_6Ah GetValue
{'AllowMaxVoltage': 1,
 'ClassAndVrmInstance': 'battery:2',
 'LastSeen': 1709417316,
 'MaxVoltageStartTime': '',
 'SocCalc': '99',
 'SocResetLastReached': 0}

Currently, I need to remove each entry one by one like:

dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/Devices RemoveSettings '%["/serialbattery_Volthium98Ah4cells2113_97_6Ah/LastSeen"]'
dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/Devices RemoveSettings '%["/serialbattery_Volthium98Ah4cells2113_97_6Ah/SocCalc"

I didn't find the right way to write the command

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