
ceecee avatar image
ceecee asked

Login and reset password not working?

Is there an error with this? on resetting password i am getting Verify call failed (verificationStart) ???

Can log in to VRM on anything as passwords I have stored don't currently work VRM was working before I accidentally signed out. :(

thanks in af

Any thoughts

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16 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Thanks for reporting @CeeCee - I’ll see what I can find out

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ceecee avatar image
ceecee answered ·

Getting this warning when I try to change of password. Still unable to reset password as current passwords are showing as invalid?


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ceecee avatar image
ceecee answered ·

tried again this morning getting no where. Any thoughts @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

I thinking either my account is blocked or there is a request issue with new passwords. I started a new account no problem. Hope you can get me back online soon.

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ceecee avatar image
ceecee answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) not sure what happened but I'm back in. Thanks a lot! :D

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Thanks for reporting back @CeeCee - I passed on this message to the team, so it sounds like they found what the issue was.

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lewis avatar image
lewis answered ·


One of my customers is having the same problem. Did you manager to find a solution to the problem?



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Redland Sanders avatar image
Redland Sanders answered ·

I have had this issue too, haven't been able to log in since yesterday's VRM issues.

Can reset the password but can't get 2FA to send the code

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I’ve asked the VRM team to have a look
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Hi, what authenticator app are you using for 2FA?
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Redland Sanders avatar image Redland Sanders Jarco van Roest (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
I'm not, I had only bound it to my UK mobile number.
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Jarco van Roest (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Jarco van Roest (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Redland Sanders commented ·
Okay. We will disable your 2FA so you can access VRM again now!
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Redland Sanders avatar image Redland Sanders Jarco van Roest (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you Jarco, much appreciated. Can you forcibly reset my VRM password please - the verification fail shows upon trying to reset my password which means I can't complete the reset to access VRM.
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ceecee avatar image ceecee Redland Sanders commented ·
same here

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Redland Sanders avatar image Redland Sanders Redland Sanders commented ·
This is now resolved for me. Thank you very much VRM team.
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eric-tarkleson avatar image
eric-tarkleson answered ·

I also experienced this issue. Yesterday I could not log in or reset password. Today my old password wouldn't work but it did allow me to reset the password and now I am back on VRM.
Its been a rough week for VRM.

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ceecee avatar image
ceecee answered ·

Locked out again, unable to reset password or log in. @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) is there some massive issue with my login?

getting the same verify call failed (verificationStart) message

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ceecee avatar image
ceecee answered ·

using 2fa to mobile code which upon reset its not doing

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ceecee avatar image
ceecee answered ·

oh man, completely locked out of both accounts now

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ceecee avatar image
ceecee answered ·

I'm able to log in to 1 account on and off now, but getting kicked for too many log ons?

Def can't get into my main account even when I can reset the password, says pasword incorrect :(

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markess avatar image
markess answered ·

VRM sign-in (with 2FA) is working for me, but whereas before it would stay logged in, now it seems to be asking for login credentials more often.

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ceecee avatar image
ceecee answered ·

yeah im just locked out now i think. no idea whats going on

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I’ll follow up again. Apologies.
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ceecee avatar image
ceecee answered ·
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burr avatar image
burr answered ·

Having the same issue. Can't log in to vrm portal (says wrong credentials) and when trying to reset password, I never receive an email to reset it.

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Hi @Burr,

There is no user account in VRM matching the email credentials you used on this community site.

Is there a chance you used a different email address when registering?

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solarmowe avatar image
solarmowe answered ·

i am being locked out of my vrm account and can't log in, what went wrong

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Hi @solarmowe,

Are you using the same email address on the community as you are for VRM?

I can't see any issues with your account, and I can't see any requests to reset your password - have you made any?

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solarmowe avatar image solarmowe Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks guy, couldn't log in Throughout yesterday tried this morning and was able to log in

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