
rns avatar image
rns asked

Multiplus triggers RCD in off-grid mode

I'm preparing my multiplus II to connect to the grid and put my critical loads behind AC out 1.

Until now my multiplus was in parallel with the grid without load on AC out 1. (ESS is configured)

Today I linked my critical load behind AC out 1, multiplus was not connected to the grid but it did trip my RCD 30mA.

If I switch my bord back to the grid also on a 30mA RCD it doesn't trigger. I switched it back to the multiplus and it did trip the RCD.

What could be wrong here ?

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3 Answers
lee-taylor avatar image
lee-taylor answered ·

This may not be the same issue, but when I was setting up a Multiplus II which has its input fed from a 32A breaker via a 30mA rcd. I had the AC1 output running through a second 30mA rcd which would trip constantly. The main rcd was unaffected. I replaced the output rcd with individual rcbo circuit breakers and have had no issues since.

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rns avatar image rns commented ·
I split my panel in per row and added a 30mA RCD per row. Now the setup works without issues. So it is clear the Victron has some loss. (expect this to be normals since almost all PV inverters have some loss. the victrons is no exception here.
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rns avatar image
rns answered ·

it looks pretty the same but this indicates the output of the multiplus has some extra loss, trimming the output rcd and not the imput rcd.

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

Check you have not got an unintentional neutral-ground connection somewhere.

<If I switch my bord back to the grid>

What is the switching arrangement you are using (post a schematic, showing also the two 30mA rcds you mention)? Is it a double pole switch?

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rns avatar image rns commented ·

<If I switch my bord back to the grid>

It is not a switch, sorry for the confusion. I realy connected the board to the 30mA RCD from my grid panel so completely removing the victron.

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sharpener avatar image sharpener rns commented ·
So where is the other 30mA rcd? A diagram of the two different configurations would help understand what is going on.
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