
Matthias Fuchs avatar image
Matthias Fuchs asked

Fronius Symo Gen24 PV point on AC-OUT possible?

Hello everyone,

I have Multiplus 2 3000 with pylontec battery (on phase 1) and a Fronius Symo Gen24 5 Plus.

  |----- Fronius 
  |----- Multiplus 2 ------- Pylontec US2000           

The fronius is connected to the multuplus on AC-IN.

The fronius has a separate power outlet for grid outages (it's called PV point). If the grid goes out it supplies up to 3kW on this outleg, if there is enough sun.

My idea is to connect the PV point to the AC-OUT of the mutliplus.

The idea is if there is an outage the battery can be charged by the PV point and/or supplied a load on AC-OUT.

There are some posts already that go in that direction, but none seem to be conclusive on how to set this up.

Is this setup even possible?

Any help is appreciated.

cheers, matti

AC PV CouplingFronius
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5 Answers
Matthias Fuchs avatar image
Matthias Fuchs answered ·

I connected the Fronius PV point to the AC-OUT-1 of the multiplus, and it seems that my initial idea is not working. It seems the PV point and the AC-OUT 1 frequencies are not synchronized.

The battery cannot be charged through the AC-OUT 1 using the PV Point.

It might be working with the AC-OUT 2 though.

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

No, the Multi will only synchronise to a supply on AC-In.

You could perhaps have a 2-pole 2-throw (changeover) relay with the coil connected to the grid.

Then when the grid is present the Mult is connected to the grid, if it fails the Multi is connected to the PV-point.

You need to think about earthing in both scenarios. See @Kevin Windrem's post in this thread.

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Osman Taskiran avatar image
Osman Taskiran answered ·

Hi @Matthias Fuchs ,

You can use transfer switch to switch to PV point automatically. Fronius must be before Multiplus II AC In.

Ex: GRID <---> Fronius <---> (Fronius AC - PV Point)Transfer Switch <-----> Multiplus

Otherwise, you can connect to Fronius PV Inverter AC Out also.

I will provide sample diagram and settings.

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Osman Taskiran avatar image
Osman Taskiran answered ·


You can watch this video and remember 1:1 rule.

1715241938656.png (532.6 KiB)
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Osman Taskiran avatar image
Osman Taskiran answered ·
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