
rp151 avatar image
rp151 asked

Limit battery charge

We have a 12.6kw PV array split on east west roof. We only have a 4kw inverter and 9.8kwh battery. If I can keep the battery low by charging EV and using appliances etc in the morning then it seems ~4.8kw can go through the inverter and some excess goes to the battery. Can I force the system to only charge the battery when the inverter will otherwise be overloaded and otherwise export to the grid? It looks like the solar is otherwise limited to match the inverter capacity. The trouble I have is that the Battery tends to fill before the inverter is dealing with >4kw.

N.b. We have an application in for second inverter but this will require another 9.8kw of battery so may cost more than we can realistically recover from otherwise lost power. I’m keen to know what we can recover of power that would otherwise not be generated.

battery charging
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

It looks like your pv array is way oversized for the rest of the system, resulting in the battery being charged early.

without a schematic of the system and your geo location (which affects the yield from the array) it is not possible to advise how to achieve your aims.

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