
andreu-parramon-jovell avatar image
andreu-parramon-jovell asked

Quattro firmware via VEFLASH

Recently I tried to update my Quattro 48/8000/110, has a firmware 1954....VEX. I updated it with VEFLASH with 1954209.vff. I open VictronConnect and says I have V2.09. version and I can't configure from there.

Could I update it to a newer version to use VictronConnect?

PD: It gotta communicate with a Cerbo GX and Pylontech lithium batteries. Pylontech compatibility list says it has to be firmware version 422/v2.15.

Thank you all.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerfirmware update
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marcve avatar image marcve commented ·

@andreu-parramon-jovell. I would suggest to configure your batteries with VEConfig. The Cerbo does not give you enough options to do so.

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andreu-parramon-jovell avatar image andreu-parramon-jovell marcve commented ·
Thank you so much for answering.

I could do so, but then I could lose warranty of the batteries. Pylontech requires a Gx to work.

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

To change settings with VictronConnect the device needs to be at least at FW 415.

The latest FW for your device is 209 so you only can use VE.config.

However you need FW 422 or higher for DVCC so you can't use that old Quattro in combination with a GX device and Pylontech.

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andreu-parramon-jovell avatar image andreu-parramon-jovell commented ·
Thank you very much for your explanation. That does make sense.

I bought smart solar 150/85 and cerbo gx specially for the DVCC.

I had a STUDER Variotrack Vt80 150/80 working before.

Could I use studer again with Quattro and configure Quattro manually (charge and discharge tensions)?

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