
Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image
Warwick Bruce Chapman asked

Why does VRM Remote Firmware Upgrade attempt with Unsupported Devices?

Why does VRM Remote Firmware Upgrade attempt with Unsupported Devices?

In this case, there is just a Venus rPi and a MultiPlus-II. As I understand it, the MultiPlus-II is not supported from remote firmware upgrade, so why is the option able to be attempted?

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Murray van Graan avatar image Murray van Graan commented ·

That firmware upgrade is for solar MPPT Charger connected via The multi is a ve.bus device, and currently it’s not possible to remotely upgrade its firmware.

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Warwick. I agree it could be clearer, but I guess for the sake of brevity - it isn't.

Your system is searching for VE.Direct devices, which it can update, but can't find because you have none. And no, I wouldn't expect it to baulk with an error when none is found. But seems it does in your case.

VenusOS (the GX/rPi) and VE.Bus kit are firmware updated in other ways of course. Never intended for the function you clicked on. It's actually a relatively new (& welcome) inclusion into VRM, and any 'tidying up' of it may come with time. And *even* a functionality extension.. :)

But I'm sure your comments will be taken aboard and addressed at some stage.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi both thanks. Looking at the button from your perspective; I see we need to reword it a bit.

What the system will do, after you press 'Firmware update' @warwick, is just look for device to update; and then list them for you; with installed vs. available firmware versions.

And then you can update them one by one.

I'll see if we can come up with better wording for the button and text surrounding it.

Input welcome.!

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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Excellent! Glad the feedback is useful.

A thought though, the device listing knows what devices are available, so why the need to search? If Remote upgrade compatible devices are available, then trigger the upgrade from the device list, then this button can become "Scan for new devices".

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