
thezenpilot avatar image
thezenpilot asked

EasySolar-II GX 3000VA Passthru issue

Hello the community,

I've been struggling with an passthru issue with my EasySolar II GX.
Here is how it works at the moment: During early morning, Passthru is "active". When first light occurs, the battery start to charge. Then, the system goes to absorbtion and start to invert to push on the grid. Later during the day, the battery start to discharge (therefore limiting the power from the solar panels due to the inverter capacity).
At the end of the day, the system never use the battery as it stays in passthru, even if the battery is above the minimum SOC.

Hera are the bus state for yesterday


On these charts, we can see the battery discharge during the day, and the PV yield limited (first spike then skipped at 2.2k


After reading other posts / manual, I've reconnected the powermeter and the shunt, but no change occurs. They are all displayed alive (and kicking) in the remote console


Here is how I would like my system to operate:

  1. at first light, first use of the solar power
  2. store excess power to batteries if can not be consumed
  3. when batteries full, inject to grid all the possible solar power
  4. when solar drop down under consumption, use batteries as support until min SOC

Many thanks for your help :)

EasySolar All-in-One
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6 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·
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thezenpilot avatar image
thezenpilot answered ·

Hello nickdb, thanks for reply!
I've check this before, but non of these causes seems to be the case for me:

  1. reception of grid meter is fine
  2. no can-bus batteries
  3. no limitation on charge power
  4. no BMS connected (integrated in the batteries blocks, not communication)
  5. Grid code is fine
  6. tried this on/off without any change :(

Any idea is welcome ;)

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thezenpilot avatar image
thezenpilot answered ·

Hi team, again today, system was stuck in passthru during the night and went back to other modes after sunrise.. therefore starting the day with full battery..


After the battery was fully charged, it was discharged into the grid. I don't undurstant the goal of the ESS to discharge a battery to the network instead of using it later (?!) and limit the PV production (my bottleneck is the 300VA inverted


Thanks again for the help :)

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Have you tried individual phase regulation in ESS settings?
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thezenpilot avatar image thezenpilot nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Hi, if you refer to mulitphase regulation, I've just selected idividual phase (although not recommended by victron). Let's see if it changes some behaviourcapture-decran-2023-04-05-150442.jpg

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ thezenpilot commented ·
It is neither recommended nor not recommended, merely the default so it tries to balance phases. Some times it is a requirement not to, like this region.
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gerard-van-seventer avatar image
gerard-van-seventer answered ·

It has to do something with the batteries. My EasySolar II was also stuck in passthru when there was something wrong in the communication with the batteries. Since you don't have comms with the batteries it is very important that the settings the manufacturer of the batteries or bms have given are entered in the EasySolar. You might have to use VEConfig for it.

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thezenpilot avatar image
thezenpilot answered ·

Hi Folks, I made an upgrade with Pylontech batteries. The system is configured as manuel says, but I still have the same issue. First day, batteries got quickly charged, then the power was injected to consumption or grid. Then, in the evening, the thing goes to passthrough again... :(

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thezenpilot avatar image
thezenpilot answered ·

Here is the weird behaviour: Going from passtrough to bulk to absorbtion..
Any idea to solve this is welcome :)


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