
operator1 avatar image
operator1 asked

Lynx smart shunt fuse?

I don't understand why you need this fuse. If using the lynx power in, then the lynx smart shut hooked to the lynx power distribution box. The power in box connects the batteries then the smart shunt to monitor solar charging from the power distribution box. The power distribution box requires fuses on all the positive connections, both the solar and the positive cable powering the inverter. Isn't the fuse required in the smart shut redundant when you already have fuses at the lynx power distribution box?

800 amp 24v battery bank with 1600 watts of solar powering the MultiPlus-II_24V_3kVA_2x120V inverter.

lynx shunt
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@operator1 A lot of people use multiple battery banks that are individually fused, that are paralleled at the Lynx power in module.

Consider the fuse in the Lynx Smart Shunt as a system fuse, rather than as a battery fuse.

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operator1 avatar image
operator1 answered ·

Thats my confusion. The battery fuse is at the Linux power distribution box. Why have two fuses? One at the smart shunt and the have another at the power distribution box? They both serve the same purpose and that is to protect the wiring. What exactly is the fuse at the smart shunt protecting when you also have a fuse in the lynx power distribution?

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operator1 avatar image operator1 commented ·
I guess my problem is that these boxes are designed to hook up to each other. I guess u should just eat money and do two power in boxes with the shut in the middle and fuse the solar input separately? I really don't understand victrons logic?
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ operator1 commented ·

@operator1 Remember that people can use multiple batteries in parallel.


Each battery needs it's own fuse to protect the cable going the the Lynx Power in module. Also there is a possibility that 1 battery could short out, and the other batteries could dump all their energy into the shorted battery (very bad).

All of your loads and chargers have to be on the system side of the Lynx Shunt VE Can, ie on the Lynx Distributor.

If you are only using 1 battery, there is no need for a Lynx Power in module. Just a fuse at the battery to protect the battery cable. In a single battery system there is probably no need for the fuse in the Lynx Shunt VE Can module, but put 1 in any way.

The fuse in the Lynx Shunt VE Can module is there for when multiple batteries are used, and the sum current is larger than that of a single battery.

manual.Lynx Shunt VE Can module

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Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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