
lukeclose avatar image
lukeclose asked

Hi Guys, Since updating to latest OS my VRM has stopped displaying AC Loads have i missed something

Cerbo Firmware update

vrm firmware update
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Do they show on the cerbo on the remote console locally?

What firmware did you update to?

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lukeclose avatar image lukeclose Alexandra ♦ commented ·
No it's almost as if the BUS cable has been pulled out of the multiplus II

I've updated to v3.00-18 also tried v3.00-20 both of which i loose display

only when i revert back to v3.00-14 it comes back both VRM portal and Remote Console

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1 Answer
lukeclose avatar image
lukeclose answered ·

I think my problem is to do with the firmware being a BETA version would i be on the right track?

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
Problems with beta versions should be reported in the modifications space under the thread for that version so Victron can have all the bugs readily visible.
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Yes. To be expected with beta Guidlines for using and reporting are here.

The thread for 3.2 is here.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Did you update the mk3 driver on the gx? It is all noted in the thread


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lukeclose avatar image lukeclose Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Interesting my MK3 version is 1170215 so i guess it's the latest

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