
andy-mullins avatar image
andy-mullins asked

Scheduled charging to less than 100% charge

I am new to this so forgive me if this is a dumb question.

I have a Multiplus II GX 48/5000 with 4 x US5000 Pylontech batteries.

I also have an AC coupled PV system and an ET112 meter.

All appears to be working fine and excess solar is charging the batteries.

I have set up a charging schedule to coincide with a low tariff overnight period that I am arranging with Octopus Energy.

My question is, How do I set the charging to stop at below 100% charge. I have sized the batteries to give me plenty of headroom to top them up off solar, but if they start the day at 100%, there is little room for me to make use of solar charging.

My ESS charging schedule indicates a SOC limit at 95% but wont let me change this. The ESS mode is Optimized (with batterylife).

Minimum SOC (unless grid fails) 10%

Active SOC limit 10%

I am looking to set this to 80% and lower this as we get into summer.

battery charging
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

If the "stop on SOC" is enabled you should be able to set the SOC where you want it to stop charging.screenshot-2023-02-16-at-120330.png

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andy-mullins avatar image
andy-mullins answered ·


Thanks for your response.

That was what I was hoping to be able to do, and what the manuals appear to indicate as the functionality, but when I check the stop on SOC switch the SOC limit box appears (currently at 95%) and try as I might, when I click on this nothing opens and I can't change the 95% that is set. I can't see what I can do to enable this function.

Am I doing something wrong?


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andy-mullins avatar image
andy-mullins answered ·

last night (the first night I have set a schedule), it was set at 95% (as I can't change it) but it still charged to 100%!

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