
klaus78 avatar image
klaus78 asked

ESS without power meter

I have an already existing PV system with two solar inverters on phase 1+2.

Now I want to add a battery and a MultiGrid II for charging/discharging inverter to phase 1.

I have read that the MultiGrid needs the actual power from a separate energy meter. I have already an energy meter where I have the values in MQTT format.
Can the Mutliplus II be configured to receive the MQTT values from my already existing energy meter?

Kind regards,


Energy Meter
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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

As far as I'm aware this isn't possible out of the box. I think you can add custom modules into venus os to enable this and there's some community made addons that allow this for popular energy meters.

Another option may be spoofing an EM24 using Modbus TCP however again I'm unaware of any out the box solutions other than that using a the supported energy meters.

I'm not too familiar with multigrid but you may be able to use ct clamp if it has one to monitor the grid if the grid is located close by to the multigrid and it supports ct clamps.

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