
oxy avatar image
oxy asked

VRM search doesn’t work


In VRM’s Advanced view there’s a search field. However, it doesn’t find neither by device ID, nor by custom device name, and not even by some parts of the standard device type! This unfortunately makes the search almost useless, while with installation of >10 gadgets is really needed.

For example, try typing “Temp” in search - even if you have a BMV temperature gadget, it returns zero results.

Strangely, previously search by ID worked, but even that doesn’t anymore.

Would it be possible to fix this search, please?

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AFAIK there's no way to search by device ID (I could be wrong here) and parameter naming , but other than that I can search for anything that's part of the device name (the top line in each widget) I'm looking for, including temp, MPPT, Solar, PV, BS, BMV, Battery etc. etc.

Can you maybe make a video of it to see exactly where the problem is?

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oxy avatar image oxy commented ·


Here’s an example. View with two temp. gadgets. However, none is returned in search:dcff62a0-da70-442a-9d30-9efb0b38a9db.jpeg

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ oxy commented ·

This is strange. Which browser are you using? Did you try a different browser?

Here is how it looks to me:


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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ oxy commented ·

Try it with VRM in Realtime, not '2 minutes ago'..

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