
energy avatar image
energy asked

Battery at 24% but charges at 20W.

I have a Multi-2 48/5000. Its set up for ESS "Keep batteries full". Battery is a CFE-5100S. Victron sees it as a Pylontech.

Charging AT 20w SoC is 24%. I have about 50 installations. 1st time I see this.

battery charging
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3 Answers
polliny avatar image
polliny answered ·

I have the same problem! And no solution :-( Multiplus 2 5000 with 501 Firmware

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Thendo Alton Mbedzi avatar image
Thendo Alton Mbedzi answered ·

During this time what is your load output and charge current?-can you share some data on this.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

If the battery needs more than 52.4V to charge you’re out of luck. That is the maximum charge voltage set when a pylon bms is detected. A bit of searching on this forum would show as much.

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