
neilo avatar image
neilo asked

Help with GX Touch 50 / VRM App

Hi everyone. This is my first post so be gentle with me! Following the installation of my home PV system with Victron control and Pylontech batteries, I have managed to use the GX Touch 50 to program the system to charge my batteries from the grid at 4am for three hours during the cheaper tariff time. I have been informed by the installation company that I can also program the system so that the batteries do NOT discharge to feed our property at certain times (for eg, saving the charge in the batteries until the premium period of our tariff commences). Does anyone know how to do this - either via the GX Touch or the VRM app?

battery charging
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1 Answer
neilo avatar image
neilo answered ·

Found the answer on the VRM app. Select square icon top right of app, select " Keep batteries charged". When you want them to discharge, re-select "Optimized without battery life" using the same square icon.

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