
Ron Rosenberg avatar image
Ron Rosenberg asked

Update lost Lithium Settings

My dealer updated my Multiplus II to v500. It seems to reverted to a charge profile for flooded cell batteries. Goes off bulk in the 80's% range, off absorb in the low 90's, and stays on float forever. Not at all like like the lithium profile that went to 100% and shut down. I only have Apple products so VE Config does not work easily to check charge profile. It appears that VE Connect does not give access to charger settings. Is my only option to contact my dealer again?

battery charging
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

A firmware update wipes all settings, which is why the config is supposed to be saved so it can be reapplied afterwards.

If you don’t have a saved copy you will need a mk3 usb device and a windows laptop to configure it. You can use VC app on a mac but this can’t configure assistants.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Ron Rosenberg

And the dealer/installer should have known this. It is literally one of the first things mentioned in the manual.

The first thing mentioned in the manual is when to update - if your system was working why update?

Connect does give acces to the settings if you have an mk3 adaptor.

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Ron Rosenberg avatar image
Ron Rosenberg answered ·

I did the update because my unit was shipped with firmware v483 This firmware was very loud when charging and bounced around on absorbtion. V494 was supposed to fix this. By the time I got my dealer to log in the firmware was at v500. Quess I will have my dealer take another try at it.

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