
Trung avatar image
Trung asked

Multiplus Assistants

Hi All

I wondered if there are anyone out there who knows about setting up MPII Assistants in VE Config.

Setup: MPII, CerboGX, Lifepo4 batteries.

Would anyone know how I set up assistants to Turn the Charger on at a certain time and then to turn if off after a few hours - e.g. Inverter ON at 8.30pm and Off at 1.30am?

Many thanks


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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Not an assistant pro at all, but it sounds like you need ESS with scheduled charging:

ESS is capable of much more, so I suspect the hard part will be figuring out how to ignore everything you don't need. :)

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Trung avatar image Trung commented ·
Hi Snoobler - many thanks for your response / comments - looks like it is exactly the thing I am looking for - will try out over the weekend.

thank you..


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snoobler avatar image snoobler Trung commented ·
Hope it works out. My system is off-grid, so I can't use ESS, but I'd be interested in a follow-up if you're successful.

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