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Chad Heiser asked

Mopeka Pro Check tank sensors - can’t change the temperature reading to Fahrenheit

I have recently added five Mopeka Pro Check tank sensors to my system. In addition to these, I also have six RuuviTag Pro temperature sensors. I also integrated three Sea Level tank sensors through an RV-C connection to the VE.Can port on the Cerbo. I have been doing extensive testing with all of these tanks and temperature sensors now communicating with my Cerbo GX. Based on this testing, I have found several issues. The first issues I found had to do with the Tanks VRM App Widget, which I reported here:

I have now discovered another issue on the Cerbo side of the equation. With the integration of the Ruuvi and Mopeka sensors into Venus OS via Bluetooth in the latest firmware, almost everything is working very well. What I discovered with the Mopeka sensors, however, is the temperature readings in the device list do not change from Celsius to Fahrenheit when you switch the Units of Measurement for Temperature in the Display & Language menu to Fahrenheit. This used to be an issue with the Ruuvi sensors in that they would only display temperature in Celsius initially. Then the firmware was updated and the option to change the unit of measurement for temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit was added to the Display & Language menu. This setting, does nothing to the Mopeka sensors though. Their temperature readings in the device list remain in Celcius even when the unit of measurement is set to Fahrenheit. I realize this is a minor issue, but it was obviously missed when the functionality was added to change the Ruuvi sensors between the two readings. Hopefully this can be addresses in a future firmware update.

firmware update
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