
Daniël Roux avatar image
Daniël Roux asked

VRM home screen widgets not working on iOS


The VRM mobile widgets that were introduced recently do not work on my iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) for some reason. Once I select the installation in the widget settings it goes blank with the placeholder bars as in the attached screenshot, and then after some time has passed it shows a message that's something like "Widget is currently unavailable" with a button to open the app. (I was unable to reproduce this second state just now and don't have any previous screenshots of it). I have previously left it alone for several days (while still opening the VRM app itself regularly) and it never fixes itself.

I've experienced this behavior since the widgets were released, so they have never worked for me on iOS. I have reinstalled the app, but this did not fix the issue.

The widgets do work fine on my Android device, however.


vrm app phone widget
img-9795.png (4.4 MiB)
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