
yannick1 avatar image
yannick1 asked

Scheduled Charging seems not working


I'm trying to reduce the system (Multiplus II 5000-48 with 2 Pylontech US3000C battery) grid consumption and not over charge the batteries.


I used the configuration Schedule 1, with time and Stop on SOC. I do not anything happening. Is it working?

If not working. Is there a way to control the charge (digital input, contact) by an external automation, without using the on-off contact on the Multiplus II.



battery charging
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Are you batteries not charging to 95% during that time?
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yannick1 avatar image yannick1 commented ·

I have 93% and 51.8V now. I don't know why it goes down to 93% without any charge I had 96% yesterday. Thanks

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ yannick1 commented ·

Is your system using the pylon SOC or its own internal monitor? In system set up?

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