
rpgilbert1 avatar image
rpgilbert1 asked

System Overview changed from Battery SOC to Voltage

We have a Lithium battery bank connected to a Cerbo GX by way of Lynx Shunt 1000. We shut down the system to replace a broken solar panel and on restart all was good except System Overview now shows Battery Voltage instead of Battery State of Charge. The Advanced Display shows "No Data" for SOC. What happened??

Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Assuming the shunt and not the battery is giving SOC, the shunt doesn't know SOC until it recognises a full battery. Then the data will be available.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

In other words it will need to resynchronise, it will do that at a full charge as mentioned..

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rpgilbert1 avatar image
rpgilbert1 answered ·

Yes, it did exactly that. New user. Thanks for your help.

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