
carvari avatar image
carvari asked

Doubt about configuration after adding a new Pylontech battery to my system

Hi all.

My system is:

- 2 Victron Multiplus 48-5000-70 working in parallel

- 1 SmartSolar charge controller MPPT 250 100 - Tr VE.Can

- 15 SunPower panels 325 Wp

- 1 Color Control GX

- 4 Pylontech batteries US2000 2.4 kWh 48V

I want to add to the system a couple of US2000 batteries more. I have seen in the forum and in youtube videos the process to add the new batteries and it's clear for me (and seems easy to do)

Now, my doubt: Do i need to do some kind of configuration in the system after adding the new batteries? Or the inverters and charge controller notice automatically that the battery power have been increased?

In all the post and videos I have seen about adding new batteries, nobody talks about the configuration of the system, just about the balance of the batteries and the use of one of the new batteries as the master one.

I hope someone can answer my question.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards.

Lithium Battery
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


New battery must be the master - it is on the Pylon manual.

On the gx there is nothing to do in terms of config. Those settings will update on their own. However you do need to check that it is reporting all of the units. that the CCL and DCL are correct for the number of batteries installed.

On the inverters themselves ideally in the battery monitor you would need to update the installed AH there. Especially if you are using ESS

The other thing is make sure they are all charged before combining them, or at least at the same SOC/voltage. There will be others who say they sort themselves out, however it is just best practice anyway. I prefer to make them all 100% before combining.

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carvari avatar image carvari commented ·

Hi @Alexandra

First, thank you so much for your response.

My system is connected to the external grid, but is using it as a generator, I mean, the system only interacts with the grid when the battery level is under 15% (in this case, the inverters charge the batteries from the grid until 30% and stops consuming the grid. The system never export power to the external grid).

What would happen if I did not update the inverters? My problem is that the company who did my installation is asking me a lot of money for the addition of the new batteries (that I think is a very simple process, so I would like to do it by myself). After installing the new batteries, could I update the inverters by myself? What would I need to do this update?

Thank you again.

Best regards.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ carvari commented ·


Well it is fairly simple in theory. In reality stuff can go wrong, that is where you need an experienced person to help.

Whenever I make changes to a system I do update all firmware. But in your case with a parallel programmed system, it can cause unnecessary complications.

So don't stress about updating firmware. since that will wipe out the config and setup.

Disconnect all output loads, use an mk3 but with victron connect and only change the installed AH in the internal battery monitor.

Make sure your DC cabling is symmetrical as well - I don't know how you intend to set that up. But that is very important in a parallel system setup

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carvari avatar image carvari Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Trhank you again for you response.

I have been searching information about this topic and I have found a document in Victron site about the compatibilty between Victron and Pylotench. This is the link:

In the link says:

5. VEConfigure Settings

When using the latest firmware on all compatible connected devices, and once the battery module has been detected by the GX device, battery charging parameters (e.g. Maximum Charge Current, Target Battery Voltage, etc) are automatically configured by the Pylontech BMU, and communicated to the rest of the Victron components in the system via DVCC.

It is possible to override some of these automatic settings to provide additional limitations (e.g. reduce the total charge current that would be provided but the MultiPlus). The following information is provided for that purpose, though is not required for the safe operation of the system.

And following the DVCC link, says:

Managed CAN-bus batteries: In systems with a managed CAN-bus BMS battery connected, the GX device receives a Charge Voltage Limit (CVL), Charge Current Limit (CCL) and Discharge Current Limit (DCL) from that battery and relays that to the connected inverter/chargers and solar chargers. These then disable their internal charging algorithms and simply do what they're told by the battery.

Based on this documentation, I guess there is no need to modify any configuration in the inverters, just add the new Pylontech batteries (following the rules: similar voltage, new battery as master and respecting the shutdown and startup process of the whole system).

What do you think?

Thanks again.

Best regards!


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carvari avatar image carvari carvari commented ·
Sorry, I forgot to mention you in my previous message @Alexandra
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ carvari commented ·


Yes there are some things you can do to alter charge current.

On the inverter itself, you can set the charge current from the grid.

In DVCC you can set the overall (system wide) charge current from dc solar and grid. When you have ESS installed it will favour solar charging.


I would check that all the components are actually programmed correctly. The one setting will be the internal battery monitor to change the installed AH.

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