
krl avatar image
krl asked

Cerbo shutting down. O errors

Good day and thanks to anyone reading and helping.

I have a cerbo with touch, multiplus 48/5000, smartsolar mppt 150/85 and 5xpylontech us2000

After 1 year with no issues, the cerbo has started to shutdown without recording any kind of error, the multiplus also shutdown, taking my house power with it. This appears to be happening when the batteries are above 90%. Yesterday I tried adding the recommended 100uF cap, but it has happened again. Not sure if it is a different issue or I added the cap to late and the cerbo is damaged. The shutting down has happened like 6 times before I found out about the cap fix.

Anybody can help on what this could be?

Thank you very much

Just got home. Adding info.

Cerbo fully off, nothing on its leds or on the touch screen. Multiplus off with steady Red led on "low batery" ( battery at 93%). Mppt green led on float. Batteries, simple blink on run led as usual.

To bring system back up I have to shut off pv input to mppt and batteries fully off, give it a few seconds and then back on again, cerbo will boot as if nothing

cerbo gxshutdown
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The cap doesn’t help for that.

It sounds like the batteries are cutting off and taking the cerbo with it, in which case it isn’t just a settings issue as the cerbo would remain on in that scenario.

I would suggest you carefully follow the setup guide word for word to check everything is configured correctly.

It sounds like something is misconfigured but there isn’t enough detail here to help.

SOC is a derived metric, assuming the correct source is configured, so what is reported may not be reality.

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krl avatar image krl commented ·

thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure why you think the batteries are going off. I'm the one turning them off and then on again to boot up the system. During cerbo off they remain in run status.

That is the exact guide I followed one and a half years ago when setting up the system. Checked again and all is still configured as specified. set up as off grid in dvcc by the way

What more detail could I provide for this? I'm starting to get kind of desperate.

The soc I report is from the battery as is the last value recorded in vrm and the same value reported when system is rebooted in batery

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ krl commented ·

The cerbo should be powered directly from the DC bus, so if it is turning off and the inverter is showing low voltage at the same time, that could indicate a battery issue.

What LED's are on all the batteries when this happens?

Post some charts from VRM which show battery voltage/current leading up to the problem.

The chart from the pylon bms showing min/max cell voltage as well as the limits (CVL, CCL, DCL).

The VE status/alarm chart of the inverter as well.

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krl avatar image krl nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

I have tried to get together all requested information, as this had been happening this weekend, but I have been out, so I have had people coming in to reset it.

Cerbo is directly powered from dc bus out of its included fused cable. I have measured voltage out of the batteries when the cerbo goes out giving 47.8 v on my multimeter.

I find this value kind of low but I can only measure on the mppt output cables and I noticed I'm getting 2v less than reported in the main page by the baterry constantly. In any case the cerbo is receiving power while out so it shouldn't be off.

Below is a video with rhe led flashing in the batteries on led run while system was out.

I tried removing the first battery completely, to discard issues here, but problem repeated with second module as master

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20221118-154606.mp4 (13.0 MiB)
krl avatar image krl nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Screenshot i took of vrm once it froze, notice the 9 minutes off line

smartselect-20221119-140837-vrm.jpgscreenshots of various battery dashboards with pointers the last record before it went offsmartselect-20221119-202235-vrm.jpgsmartselect-20221119-202301-vrm.jpgsmartselect-20221119-202332-vrm.jpgsmartselect-20221119-202407-vrm.jpgphotos(yeah sorry about this) off battery related configs. I might be missing one here

20221120-133341.jpg 20221120-133350.jpg 20221120-155515.jpg

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krl avatar image krl nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Yesterday was cloudy, so I tried causing the issue charging with the generator plugged in multis acin 1. Spent like 1 and a half hours with batery at 100%. Issue didn't occur. Not sure if this means anything or I was just lucky.

Screenshot of generator charging. The dip seen an hour ago is because I run out of gasoline. Refilled and continued


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christian-caroli avatar image
christian-caroli answered ·

Hi, have you solved the problem or is it still aktive? i,m thinking i have the same problem with my Cerbo GX shutting-down totally randomly. Best regards // Christian

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mbr89 avatar image
mbr89 answered ·

Same here

Pytes E-Box 4850-C
Cerbo GX
MultiPlus 48/800/8-16

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