
mihair avatar image
mihair asked

More than two energy meters on the same RS485 serial bus?

Hi guys,

I tried to connect three EM111 energy meters using a single USB to RS485 interface, but only the first two meters with Modbus ID 1 and 2 were recognized. In fact, even if I installed only one meter on the rs485 bus, with ID greater than 2, that energy meter is not recognized by the system.

Does anyone know if this limitation can be removed in software or is it a physical issue related to the hardware, meters or Venus hardware platform?



Energy Meter
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2 Answers
niborb avatar image
niborb answered ·

This detailed in the manual

Only one extra Energy Meter can be added: the system works only with address 1 (the default) and 2.

(2.4.1. Changing the modbus address:

This is quite annoying as especially on large installations it would be great to be able to add additional meters for separate AC loads (e.g., if you have a main building and an outbuilding, or you want to see how much power your heat pump or something is using).

Hopefully Victron can remove this limitation!

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mihair avatar image
mihair answered ·

How hard would it be to compile the sources here ( ) to support at least 3 or maybe 4 Modbus addresses?

I am no expert in cross platform compilation, but I would appreciate any help for RPI target. What is needed to be installed on Ubuntu beside gcc?

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