
gnagflow avatar image
gnagflow asked

remote console enabled and online but no access

Hi I enabled the VRM remote console, it is online, enabled 2 way communication and disabled password check, updated to the newes firmware at a new system, but cant get remote access - access to remote console only within the home-network by ip.

I need a remote access and it doesnt work. Someone any idea what the problem is?

Thank you!


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
What error do you get?
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gnagflow avatar image gnagflow Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

cant connect to GX device .. , unfortunately its on customer site whicht takes 1,5h to drive there so i cannot change any settings ..1668505179483.png

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gnagflow avatar image gnagflow commented ·

Today i worked 3 hours to get the VRM remote running… no chance made everything…. I have many many systems running and everywhere it works … and i have to say i have experience…

PROBLEM: remote VRM is not working but DASHBOARD is working

ALSO: ssh access is not working

SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: MP2-GX with REC-BMS on CAN Bus and MPPT on VE Direct, Fronius Connection via LAN/WLAN

what did i do:

- remote console pw check and disable and reboot

- firmware downgrade from 3.07 to 2.92

- manually set ip address and router and dns address (dns=router), and set automatically in GX

- checked dhcp server on router, everything is alright, the ip range as well it is working

- tried on lan and wlan

- tried to use the handy hotspot to check if the problem is a router setting, does not work via handy hotspot either

- disabled all firewalls on router

- tried to Change DNS server to router address, than changed to

- tried many GX reboots after every change

- tried two way communication disable and enable and restart several times

- tried enable/disable https

- tried to restart router several times

-changed vrm protocol from 15min to 1min

. I tested the URL's ( & and it returned "Error Response" which is to expected.

- tried on many different devices, different browsers, different locations, different internet providers To get access

-went through all the troubleshooting sections on victron online manual 9.3 9.4

SSH Problem:

- tried several times to switch between superuser and normal user and reboot

- tried ssh access within the network within the same ip range from different devices - no acces port 22 refused

- tried to switch between automatic and manual network settings



- access to remote console on lan via IP

-DASHBOARD via Internet (MQTT works well)

- there are no error messages, vrm online …

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ gnagflow commented ·
Sieht mir nach einem Netzwerkproblem aus (firewall?), bei dem bestimmte Ports geblockt werden. Die Tatsache, dass das VRM Dashboard funktioniert, zeigt dass die 2-Wege-Kommunikation zumindest soweit funktioniert. Da hilft nur selbst dorthin zufahren und schauen was genau nicht geht. Ich sehe jetzt kein Victron-Problem.
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gnagflow avatar image gnagflow Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Hallo Stefanie, danke für deine Antwort. Ja genau das hatte ich auch vermutet! Hatte aber heute auf der Anlage mit TeamViewer Zugriff und mir die Routereinstellungen und das Netzwerk angesehen. Der Venus hängt direkt per WLAN am T-Mobile UMTS Router. Im Router sind keine Firewalleinstellungen aktiviert. Ich habe dann noch alles deaktiviert was möglich war. Router und Venus sind im selben Netzwerk. Ich kann vom Heimnetzwerk nicht am Venus per SSH zugreifen und die Remote VRM geht auch nicht. Wir haben den Venus dann auch über einen Handy Hotspot angeschlossen, keine Veränderung. Ich kann den Venus im Netzwerk ping-en. Der DHCP Server im Router ist richtig eingestellt. Die IP Adressen passen. Der Router hat keine Firewall, das MP2-GX ist frisch aus der Schachtel, alles upgedated. Kann hier ein anderes Gerät das im Netzwerk hängt irgendwie die Ports blockieren? Wie findet man die Ursache? Warum geht der SSH Zugriff nicht, obwohl ich im VENUS x-fach versucht habe per SUPERUSER freizugeben, inkl. vergebenen Passwort. Die VRM soll auch per SSH laufen, also vermute ich dass es am SSH ein Problem gibt.

Wäre doch komisch wenn der TMOBILE Anbieter irgendwo da nach dem Router den Netzwerkverkehr bzw. den SSH Port blockiert, oder gibt es das, dass das TMOBILE Service hier das Problem ist!? Wäre doch gar nicht üblich und am Handy Hotspot ging's ja auch nicht - war allerdings auch eine T-Mobile Karte.

Dachte dann, vielleicht gibts ein Problem mit dem DNS Server, änderte von der Gateway Adresse zum und dann auf einen von T-Mobile vorgegeben DNS Server. Alles ohne Erfolg.

Irgendwie scheinen entweder die Ports blockiert oder der VENUS zu zicken, aber ohne SSH Zugriff auf das Gerät weiß ich nicht wie ich mich weiter das Problem eingrenzen soll.



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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ gnagflow commented ·

Ich kann mir jetzt nicht vorstellen, was das zicken soll. Steht die Verbindung und sind alle notwendigen Ports (Standardports) offen, geht die Verbindung inkl. SSH-Zugang (vorausgesetzt root access ist aktiviert).

Gäbe es ein ernsthaftes Problem mit Venus OS in diesem Bezug, hätten wir bereits mehr darüber hier in der Community gelesen.

Es gibt noch die Möglichkeit über die serielle Konsole an das System heranzukommen (ohne TCP). Wie das geht, ist in dem oben verlinkten Dokument erklärt.

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John Leslie avatar image John Leslie Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @gnagflow. If your site is using a cellular router to gain Internet connectivity, providers like T-Mobile use Carrier-Grade NAT that typically prevent any kind of inbound-initiated connections from the Internet. So I would not expect direct SSH from the Internet -> T-Mobile -> Cerbo to work out of the box. I had that exact problem with SSH & direct http connectivity to Cerbo's Remote Console. To get around it, I setup a VPN connection from the installation router out to a cloud service I can configure. I then setup the routing (&/or port mapping) to get SSH traffic through to the Cerbo from my well-known IP locations on the Internet.

For the Cerbo Remote Console (venus.local/), I had to permit and route ports 80 & 81 (for websockets traffic).

For Victron's MFD Dashboard (venus.local/app/), I had to open 80 & 9001 (for MQTT traffic).

You have probably already confirmed the basics, and I know you are 1.5 hours away from your installation (sorry!). But if not, I suggest you first make sure that access to the Cerbo Remote Console & MFD app via HTTP and SSH to the Cerbo console are both working locally when directly connected to the installation LAN before troubleshooting outwards.

Is VRM data logging working for your installation? That should be working before you attempt Remote Console via VRM. I believe, VRM data logging connections are initiated from the Cerbo-side and thus work over cellular Internet 'inside-out' without any special configuration, as all 'inside', Cerbo-initiated connections are not affected by the carrier's NAT'ing restrictions.

What 'Connection Error' is displayed on Cerbo's Settings -> VRM online Portal page?


I also believe that Victron has implemented some clever coding such that the Remote Console via VRM works despite any firewalls, carrier NAT'ing that might be in the middle. I believe they do this by initiating all connections from the Cerbo side.

So, can you confirm local LAN access is working for Remote Console and SSH and that basic VRM data logging is working without any errors?

Hope this helps. John

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obi-o avatar image obi-o commented ·
Ich habe das gleiche Problem, SSH und Remote über VRM nicht möglich. Mutiplus2GX, Root, VRM ohne Fehlermeldungen (Dashboard funktioniert). Im gleichen Netz habe ich eine Venus Installation auf einem Raspberry, dort funktioniert alles so wie es soll.

@gnagflow : Hast du eine Lösung für das Problem gefunden?

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gnagflow avatar image gnagflow obi-o commented ·
Hi, sorry i couldnt find the problem.
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10 Answers
klubags avatar image
klubags answered ·

Hello, I am experiencing the same issue (Remote Console accessible locally but not through the internet VRM portal).

My customer is IT oriented and discovered that the moment when Remote Console is requested in the VRM portal, there is a "web socket connection failure". Here is the message:

novnc.js:1332 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed:

It should be noted that the first series of "X"s is an alpha numeric adresss (sensitive information) and the second series of "X"s is the VRM ID of the Multiplus II GX device (updated to firmware version 2.92)

Other relevant information:

The Multiplus II GX has replaced a Color Control GX which had no issues with Remote Console access

The process followed is as described in the video

It is possible that I did not correctly confirm that the new device was sending data (20 seconds into the video). However I can confirm that the new Multiplus II GX was recognised in the VRM Portal and has been sending data ever since the replacement.

So the only limitation remains the ability to access the Remote Console via the VRM portal when using an internet connection.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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klubags avatar image
klubags answered ·

Just a post note to my previous post.

In the VRM portal, for the Gateway (the GX device in the device list), the field "Remote Console on VRM" reads "Enabled and up" rather than "Enabled and Online". Not sure if this is pertinent or not.

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obsidian avatar image
obsidian answered ·

Curious if anyone at Victron has suggestions on this issue - my company has been testing remote console and now see multiple units failing to allow remote console. It's frustrating because there is little no to no information or methods to see why this fails. Anyone have any clues??

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flenis avatar image
flenis answered ·

Just want to add my voice and case to the ones above - New install but same symptoms. Would love some help.

New Cerbo-S GX on Version 2.92. Connected over Wifi. Remote console accessible by LAN but not from VRM. Remote console listed as "Enabled and up" in VRM. Logging in VRM works fine. Running Ubiquiti Unifi router at home.

("Enabled and online" is reported for Remote support so maybe that's the source of confusion referred to in a previous post)

Have tested setting a password and rebooting. Removing the password and rebooting. Disabling Remote console on VRM and on LAN, rebooting, enabling and rebooting.

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neptuneuk avatar image neptuneuk commented ·
It is always difficult to troubleshoot issues that exist within a number of interconnected networks. Because the problem could exist within any of the networks.

However my experience of such issues normally resides in one of the following in the main:

1.) Firewalls blocking the remote management connection port.

2.) CGNAT when using mobile networks.

3.) A failure to correctly implement the published configuration and setup requirements.

Can you SSH to the 'Remote support IP and port' shown in your local Venus / GX device General settings?

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

To add I have a spare Cerbo that I use for testing and it works fine at home can access remotely, so I thought I would try it out on site, where we have two systems both off grid one uses the colour control GX and that works fine I do remember seeing that up at the workshop first that worked remotely and also worked remotely on site it is currently connected through a EE mobile 5G/4G router, the other which is the new install and new EE 5/4G router is the one I cannot connect to remotely can view it and it is logging data so it is connected to the internet.. Any way thought I would take my test Cerbo to site and see if that would connected via router and to my surprise it would not connect the remote console I have not changed any settings just moved location and plugged an ethernet cable, so then I tried the other older system on the same site but through an older EE 4G router, still same problem remote support IP address still at zero 0 found in General, Now frustrated took it back home re connected it and low and behold remote support IP address was allocated, all I have done is power down move it,

I was wondering as the only thing that has changed is the location and does that prevent remote access?

Any further guidance would be very appreciated

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james09 avatar image
james09 answered ·

Hello - I have the same issue with a 24v Easysolar system... and I have an error 38 on our second MPPT that I cant remotely fix or reboot without access to the remote console. Has anyone solved this?





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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

to add further investigation I also tired my test cerbo via my phone hot spot using the wifi to connect to my phone and all worked fine could remote access, so decided to do the same on site with that cerbo but could still not connect remote console, next tried the LAN ip address of the carbo, would not connect, so tried pinging that address, no return pings which which leads me to think there is a port being blocked in the cerbo. not sure how to reset to factory defaults and start a fresh, or is it something to do with VRM, I will try disabling VRM and Remote console rebooting and deleting the cerbo from VRM portal and then adding it back.

if any one else has any suggestions then please comment I have read the trouble shooting guide and that's not helping

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porcini avatar image
porcini answered ·

I have the same issue and it's probably on the victron or settings side. The problem exists since a factory reset of the GX device (strictly speaking updating the Venus OS on a raspberry which needed repartitioning). VRM is working again after a token reset and so does the LAN remote console, but VRM Remote Console does not.

I tried it at home (AVM DSL Router) and remote console worked before the update. Now it doesn't.
I put it back to its destination (Teltonika LTE Router) where remote console worked before. Now it doesn't.

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bluewally avatar image
bluewally answered ·

Has this been solved? I have the same problem after updating, remote console not working. Frustrating it worked fine the first hours and then it stopped working. we were trying to connect our lithium batteries into the Cerbo GX and during that process we lost remote console.

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houser avatar image
houser answered ·

Also seeing this now on one of our systems. In our case it happened when updating to the latest firmware a few days ago on the Venus GX. Local network is ok, remote VRM not.

Has anybody come across a fix? Many thanks.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
There was a fix for that in v3.31, can you confirm you are have that version installed?

Did you try a reboot of the GX device?

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houser avatar image houser Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
I have left the site so can not check now but will check asap.

Many thanks. Yes I have rebooted..

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