
charliebarracuda avatar image
charliebarracuda asked

Multiplus2 assistant generator start and stop


i want to use an additional inverter (pv micro inverter connected to the batterie) to increase the total inverter power of my system. The micro inverter is connected to the batterie via a NO contactor. As controlling voltage i want to use the ACOut2 relais of the MP2. I configured the generator start and stop assistant as follows:

- Use ACOut 2 relay to start generator

- Close relay to start generator

- Start generator when load higher than 2000 Watt for 5 seconds

and stop generator when load lower than 0 Watt for 5 seconds.

- The generator is not stopped by AC input

Problem is, if the AC load rises above 2 kW nothing happens, no voltage on ACOut2. What did i do wrong?

ACin is connected to the grid. Besides the generator assistant the ESS assistant is active and working fine.

Multiplus-IIAssistantsstarting generator
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Getting the logic right can be a bit tricky sometimes.

Are you able to share pictures of how you set it up?

Basically select them all and click summary. Post the picture.

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1 Answer
charliebarracuda avatar image
charliebarracuda answered ·

Here is the summary from VEConfig.

My Suspicion is that i need to set negative power values. Inverting is displayed as "-" in the console, charging as '+'. The assistant doesn't accept negative power values though.

I want voltage on ACout2 when the MP is inverting >1500 W?

I want no voltage on ACout2 when the MP is charging gen-ass.jpg

gen-ass.jpg (58.3 KiB)
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