
xouvaboats avatar image
xouvaboats asked

Short-circuit current


I would like to know the short-circuit current for:

- AGM super cycle batteries

- Multiplus 48/5000/70-100

in order to define the protection devices of my installation.

In addition, it is mandatory to include this information in an electric propulsion boat documentation as pero ISO 16315:2016 Small craft - Electric propulsion system.

I can`t find this information in Victron's documentation, does anyone know where to find it?

Thanks in advance

chargerbatterycurrent limit
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1 Answer
kai avatar image
kai answered ·

lots - its going to be largely defined by the AGM batteries. You'll have to look it up in the battery datasheets / do some calcs / do a test to find out. Typically ANL fuses would have enough AIC to handle the short circuit current.

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