
chelnar-pomum avatar image
chelnar-pomum asked

add a different battery

Hello, I've got two multiplus 3000 in parallel with 4 pylontech battery (15s). My system look like something like that:

Someone give me a 6 kWh LFP battery (16s). How i can add it to assist multiplus (even for 1000 W)?

I will use mppt to recharge it.

Lithium Battery
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Just remember your pylon warranty is void if you attach a non pylon battery to the same battery bus.

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marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·

@Chelnar Pomum

Pylontech battery is 15s, s you cannot connect 16s battery to it.

If you can, subtract one cell from that 16s battery and connect it parallel to Pylontechs.

Tha new battery needs to have independent BMS.

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chelnar-pomum avatar image
chelnar-pomum answered ·

Thank you for answering. I know that i can't add this battery to pylontech.

Can i add some inverter like phoenix ?

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