
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v3.00~4 available for testing

Hello there!

A brand new version is available for testing, for the first time. Don't over read into the v3.00 designation though, its that just because its the next in line. Not because we're doing some more than normal changes.

Introduction to Venus OS beta testing

In case you don't know what this message is about, please start with reading this link, which explains the Venus OS beta program. Venus OS is the software running on all our GX devices, such as the Cerbo GX.

How to post an issue?

Please keep all findings organised as answers to this question. One answer per issue. So first check the existing threads. If you have the same as someone else already reported, welcome to add a comment saying "me too". And preferably some more details. And in case its not listed yet, add a new Answer. Note that Answers and Comments are two different things!

Lastly, please first revert to the latest official release (v2.92), to double check if the issue you're seeing was present there as well. Regressions require a different treatment than other issues and bugs.

Changes, compared to latest official release (v2.92)

  • For systems having multiple BMSes connected, allow selecting which one should be used for DVCC. It also allows the use of a BMV for SOC tracking -- by selecting BMV as battery monitor -- while still using the BMS for DVCC. A bit of a niche issue for special systems, more technical background here: (but please don't start posting on our github - thanks).
  • Detect Hubble batteries, untested as of yet.
  • Add Polish translations, thank you Jakub T for helping with that!
  • ESS: increase control speed of systems using todays supported meters (ET112, ET330, EM24, and also the ABB ones) a little. But, for faster meters, such as the EM540 which is not available yet, increase it very significantly. Requires updating the built-in MK3-chip, see next bullet.
  • Include a newer version of onboard MK3-chip firmware. Updating that has a 1 to 10% chance of a short system outage (Multi/Quattro shuts down in VE.Bus Error 14, restarts after 30 seconds). And therefore the update needs to be initiated manually from within the menu. Note that this is a reversible action, no need to worry about being unable to roll back. After updating, and then rolling Venus OS back to v2.92 or some other earlier version, the MK3 will automatically (and silently) be downgraded to the for that version of Venus OS required MK3-firmware version.
  • Improve text for tank sensor name in pump configuration.
  • ESS: Fix bug where PV is not used for loads when scheduled charging to 100% during daytime
  • Fix bug where a PV-inverter on AC-in-2 would not be shown in the ESS overview. The workaround was to configure the PV inverter as being on AC-in-1. Not needed anymore.

Venus OS Large

Under water / developer

  • Various small under the hood changes, mostly resulting in small reductions of CPU load
  • Replace Hiawatha webserver with nginx; which is better kept up to date (security)
  • Include various OE Dunfell fixes
  • DVCC: simplify transmission of the charge voltage setpoint by sending it always, rather than only if devices that work with it are detected. This won't make a difference to any commonly known system type.

Ps. Here are a few screenshots related to that MK3 firmware. On systems not updated yet, you'll see this (after going to the Device list, and then into the MultiPlus, Quattro or EasySolar listing):


And for anyone wanting to make sure its updated, in that same menu, scrolling all the way down to the Device submenu, and going in there, and scrolling down again, you'll find this listing:


Wherein the 212 digits are the version number, and thats the old one. And here is what you see after the update:


Venus OS
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Mike Dorsett avatar image Mike Dorsett commented Ā·

For systems having multiple BMSes connected, allow selecting which one should be used for DVCC. It also allows the use of a BMV for SOC tracking -- by selecting BMV as battery monitor -- while still using the BMS for DVCC. A bit of a niche issue for special systems,

With respect to systems with multiple BMS units, surely the system needs to look at ALL of them for computing DVCC limits. If any one BMS demands a reduction in charge current - this will be due to cell imbalance - then the charge current needs to be reduced. Similarly with discharge limits.

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Jaco Reinecke avatar image Jaco Reinecke commented Ā·

ESS: Fix bug where PV is not used for loads when scheduled charging to 100% during daytime.

Think I was one of the first to report this ... years ago.

I'm so testing it. Been a HUGE bearbug of mine for years now. 100% SOC and then the panels just drop away, sometimes. Happened today again, I upgraded on the spot.

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30 Answers
pau1phi11ips avatar image
pau1phi11ips answered Ā·

Is the ET110 meter a typo? You mean ET112?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi yes indeed, thanks @pau1phi11ips , corrected
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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered Ā·

Large os you mention an update to the latest nodejs...just wondering if this adds any new functionality such as new victron nodes, or additional functionality for existing victron nodes? I sure would like to see some more control over settings in the victron output nodes.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Hi Derrick, no it doesn't add such functionality. Nodejs is one of the underlying frameworks; not related to Victron at all. See also here for changes:

What settings are you looking to control from node-red?

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
I can read the ac input type from the victron system node (I assume this specific node reads the cerbo gx system settings? It states that it retrieves info from com.victronenergy.system dbus path) but I don't see any way to write to the com.victronenergy.system dbus path in order to change the ac input type thru node red. I am using 2 MP2 in parallel and would like to be able to write a node red flow that will change the ac input type between shore or generator based upon a digital input signal from the generator. Would be nice to see separate energy consumptions in vrm for each input.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ derrick thomas commented Ā·
Hi @derrick thomas , sorry, but that is not possible. Doing that will require a firmware change in the inverter/charger, and even though I understand what you want and like it myself as well, there are other priorities for at least the coming 6 months or longer.

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fguiot avatar image fguiot derrick thomas commented Ā·

Hi Thomas, this is exactly that problem that is addressed with my simple solution, calling a shell script from Node-RED. See here:

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas fguiot commented Ā·
Checking it out now thanks. Does this method survive Venus updates?
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jetronic avatar image
jetronic answered Ā·

What is meant by the onboard MK3 chip?

I have a USB MK3 adapter on my PI, do I have to load the a firmware update on the adapter?

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juf avatar image juf commented Ā·

@Warwick Bruce Chapman

can you pls explain your comment.

is there a way to update the usb mk3 adapter with the RPI running Venus os.


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ juf commented Ā·
Hey both @jetronic and @Juf : the onboard MK3 is a microcontroller built-in into our normal commercial products, like Cerbo GX and Venus GX.

For those having a RaspberryPi + MK3-USB, you'll also be able to update the firmware, which then is in that MK3-USB.

I've added a few screenshots above to make clear where you find the update option in the menu; and or if you don't, how to check the firmware version of the MK3.

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juf avatar image juf mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Thanks :-)
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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image
Warwick Bruce Chapman answered Ā·

MK3 Firmware updated on HQ21286P26K with no outage.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Thanks Warwick
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nebulight avatar image
nebulight answered Ā·

"Don't over read into the v3.00 designation though, its that just because its the next in line."


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
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gainestr avatar image gainestr mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Iā€™ve actually seen versions run into the 100ā€™s 200ā€™s and even higher before but I think the newest update warranted a new v3 release.
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dirk-s avatar image
dirk-s answered Ā·

One feedback from me: I just installed the new version on my Multiplus II GX 5000 with a EM24 Modbus and Pylontech batteries. It is a ESS System. The regulation speed before was around 20 - 25s for a load of 2.400W.

The regulation speed after update increased significantly. It needs around 5-7s now and I observe a speed of around 400w per second. This is the speed which is requested at least by German grid rules as far as I know. I'm very satisfied with this update! Thank you for this improvement.

Directly after update of MK3 firmware I can observe the increased speed of actualization of the EM24 power values. Some values per second now.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
great feedback, thanks.
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered Ā·

In the case where you parallel a non-updated mk3 firmware multi with one which has been updated, will that update prompt reappear?

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jeroen avatar image jeroen ā™¦ commented Ā·
It won't reappear, if you agree that it is fine to update them, all of them will.
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ā™¦ā™¦ jeroen ā™¦ commented Ā·
The question is about expanding an existing system that has already been updated by adding one that hasnā€™t been.
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jeroen avatar image jeroen ā™¦ nickdb ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

as said, the message won't reappear, but it will get updated.

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markus-001 avatar image
markus-001 answered Ā·

The nginx webserver hands over to different access points far better than the Hiawatha Webserver did, I would even go as far as to say seamless now, the Hiawatha Webserver took some effort to get reconnected on certain access points, I had to constantly disconnect completely from the Wi-Fi, (forget Wi-Fi) then re-join key in the Wi-Fi password again to get the nodered dash board working again. Tested this at two sites both handing over perfectly now.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Thank you Markus! nice to hear.

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markus-001 avatar image
markus-001 answered Ā·

The ET112 grid meter speed is defiantly faster I could reduce the grid set points to get closer to net zero on the grid meter by 10w on a 10kva quatro and 40w on a 2 x 5KVa multi plus II running in parallel.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Great, thanks.
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pedaaa avatar image
pedaaa answered Ā·

Have done the Venus OS and MK3 Updates.

Is it also required to Update the Multi Firmware to accept the faster Gridmeter readings?


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dirk-s avatar image dirk-s commented Ā·
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pedaaa avatar image
pedaaa answered Ā·

Done the Updates. I use an EM540 gridmeter.

The readings are now super fast, yes. But it dont feels like the control speed has really changed much?!

Maybe its still this 400W/s limit?!

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dirk-s avatar image dirk-s commented Ā·
Yes, it's still around 400W/s. As fare as I know, it's a Grid rule. But I'm not totally sure.
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mbosys avatar image
mbosys answered Ā·

Cheers mvader, for all your work on the updates!
Just tried this latest rev but finding the regulation of grid worse than before though and jumping around.

Have the EM24 meter with solar on phase 2, speed of updates had doubled, which is great!
but have noticed my Quattro 10K AC out Amps changing and not matching the KW, have included a video below.

Not sure if this is to do with the calculation in the background but seem quite unstable now. swings of over 200W each way, even when AC out is only moving 10's of watts.
Not sure if anything can be done? looks like the PID algo you use maybe a bit to sensitive now?



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
noted! We'll look into that.
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chrisu avatar image
chrisu answered Ā·

Still having lockups with the EM24 Ethernet - please fix this!

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hpheuer avatar image hpheuer commented Ā·
Me too, unreproducable Ethernet-lockups since update to V2.92. Not every day, but after a couple days. System works fine, but Ethernet is dead. Needed to turn off-on the Multiplus.

Now I switched to an CAT7 cable, had CAT6 before, about 3 meters long. Please fix. Thanks!
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ hpheuer commented Ā·

Yes, its incredibly frustrating and our hands are rather tied with regards to fixing that.

BUT.... I can say that we've recently (a few days ago) received a beta firmware from CG to test, and it survived our "extreme ethernet punishment" scripts and tests, where the old one would normally fail within a few hours. So, there is light on the horizon here.

Now all we need to do is await official release and then we'll make that available on as usual and I'll go through some threads here on community to announce it as well.

Do pls note that this off topic for this thread, since the issues are not related to Venus OS itself, and as such I ask you to not start a long discussion here. Thanks!

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matthias-roetzer avatar image
matthias-roetzer answered Ā·

It is not clear to me if the MK3 update ist mandatory or optional when using meters (eg ET112, ET340) with Venus OS 3.00 ? Please clarify. Thank you, Matthias

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi Matthias, its optional. Doing it will result in better operating ESS, also with those meters. But not doing will just leave all as is; sort of.
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phil-garver avatar image
phil-garver answered Ā·

With this version I am running into an issue where the AC load, when on inverter, the AC load disappear and the status of the inverter will show as off. While the screenshot below has GUImods, this same issue happens in the VRM portal as well. I reverted to the pervious version and this issue went away. It will bounce back to proper status and then disappear on an ongoing basis.


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi, your screenshots shows the guimods; which is not Victron software.

We don't give any support on modded firmware, and I personally refuse to even start to think what could be the issue for such reports.

Venus OS by itself is already quite complex; and having to then consider what could be wrong in someone else his software too is just too much. It has "bitten" us a few times before, when trying to be nice and do look into it.

Note that this message is not at all ill intended. So, to get us to look into it, make sure its a totally clean installation, for which the only solution is to run a reset to factory default as explained in the manual.

Hope you understand!

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corradopignato avatar image
corradopignato answered Ā·

Is an updated MK3 still usable with Venus OS 2.92?

I have my whole home connected to out 1 of my multiplus. II

Is it safe to update mk3 in this scenario?

If I update, the temporary system outage will interrupt power on out 1? If so my internet connection will be interrupted. In this case, will the update process of the MK3 be complete without problems?


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi good question. And yes, you can still roll back.

And its no issue that internet might briefly drop. no worries about that.

ps. you might want to consider to change your handle or username, to no longer be similar or equal to your email address. In order to reduce spam.

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thomasw-1 avatar image
thomasw-1 answered Ā·

Hi Matthijs,

can confirm properly working update cycle in combination with the ABB meter.
Btw. thanks a lot for having followed on my recommendation supporting ABB meters as default.
Also thanks to Izaak for the close collaboration.
Please consider to add a proper ID resolution in VRM yet !-)

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi @ThomasW. , super late answer ofcourse ;o), but very welcome and thank you!
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chrisu avatar image
chrisu answered Ā·


it seems in Node Red, the update cycle is now faster when getting values from Victron Nodes. Before it was 5 seconds, now it seems it is around 1 second? (Important if you want to count power consumption). Can you confirm?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Hi @chrisu , yes I can confirm; its this line from the change log

  • Fix issue sometimes causing certain values to update slower than necessary.

And it happened to some products or situations, and not to others. I don't know any further the details and think/hope that just knowing that its solved whatever it was is good enough. :)

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chrisu avatar image chrisu mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Background is, I make a virtual consumption counter. I calculate the Total AC Consumption during daytime by adding the AC Consumption L1/L2/L3 together and divide it with the update interval to get the total energy consumption in wh. For this, exact timing is needed. The 5sec before were very exact.

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pcurtis avatar image pcurtis chrisu commented Ā·
@chrisu I do much the same to get daily totals. Solution will be to add a delay node configured to limit rates.
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chrisu avatar image
chrisu answered Ā·

It seems the Amp Display for l1/l2/l3 is not correct for the abb b23


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
noted we'll check
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Hi @chrisu,

For the ABB meters the current values are always positive. The meter itself reports it that way, and probably for good reason too: With AC power current is technically never negative, only in- or out of phase. It is therefore normal that the current is always positive.

This is a little different from some of the other meters we support, some which do show negative current when the power is negative.

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chrisu avatar image chrisu Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Sure i knew that, but the current is wrong. 287w is not 3.4a at 230v
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Izak (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ā™¦ā™¦ chrisu commented Ā·
Hi @chrisu , 287W could well be 3.4A if your power factor is only 0.4.

What you can do to verify, is on the meter itself, hold the OK button for about a second, when you let go the display will show "Instan" (for instantaneous values). Then short-press OK, and hit the down button. Look at the VA number. This should be equal to the volts multiplied by the amps. If you continue cycling you will also see the current, and the power factor. Check if the current is really significantly different from what the GX device reports. If it is, let us know, but it should not be.

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chrisu avatar image chrisu Izak (Victron Energy Staff) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
You are right

VA and W on the Meter is correct, but current is wrong.

Instead of readiing the modbus register for current it would be better then to calculate the current from volts and VA. Then youll have the negative current numbers also.

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PeterM avatar image
PeterM answered Ā·

How far back can the MK3 firmware be installed in a Multiplus 1 ? Would like to get a new Multi 1 to parallel with my older one ( large processor - currently on v497).

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi @Merle.Peter , the MK3 is in the GX device itself.

For paralleling old & new Multis, best consult your dealer to see if something is possible. Or ask in the main community forum.

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markus-001 avatar image
markus-001 answered Ā·

Remote console

Enable on LAN is defaulted to on even though it was turned off after restart.

Cerbo and Venus

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Hi @Markus_001 , thank you for the report. And sorry for my late reply. We'll test this.

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fantail avatar image
fantail answered Ā·

Had some issues with testing of this version. they have added some addition sw that polls the serial ports without respecting the soft lock flags when they are set -- this behavior causes corruption and data collisions.

both methods are being used - to hold exclusive control of port. - these a are soft flags so do not prevent others from trying to use the hardware ports directly.

result = ioctl(fd1, TIOCEXCL);


if ( flock(fd1, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) < 0 ) {

last works up to 2.87

serial port access tasks added since 2.87 need to learn manners!!!!!!!!!!!

Also like to see options added to block access to defined ports within serial starter task. ( full serial number added or simular )

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Hi @Fantail , I think your best bet is to reserve the port using serial-starter.

Best documentation I have for that is here:

And for any further discussion, please make a new question in the Modifications section - instead of continuing here. Thank you!

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anieuwstadt avatar image
anieuwstadt answered Ā·

1.) With the ABB B24, it looks like there is a problem with the register being read for the "Grid Total Energy to net". Grid Total Energy from net looks correct.


2.) Seen a significant improvement in control loop speed. Thank you.

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chrisu avatar image chrisu commented Ā·
Interesting... I have the B23 and don't have the "energy meter" device in vrm.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ chrisu commented Ā·

Hi @anieuwstadt , could it be you have the "steel" version of the ABB meter?

We found some issues with that, and have since clarified the manual more, by saying that its not fully compatible.

"Note that the 'Steel' versions are not supported as they do not allow measurement of reverse energy, making it impossible to see sold energy. Charts and counters on VRM will not display correctly with a Steel meter. Make sure the meter you're purchasing is of the Silver (or better) designation and has Modbus RS485.",-b23-and-b24-energy-meter.html

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CristiMV avatar image
CristiMV answered Ā·

After installing the FW 3.00~4, the AC-In Fronius inverter is not showed anymore on the CerboGX start page and neither on the VRM dashboard. Still, the inverter appears in the device list - see pictures below. I've restarted the Cerbo, but no change. Any advice, other than rolling back to the previous version?


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CristiMV avatar image CristiMV commented Ā·
Iā€™ve rolled back to previous version and everything is back to normal.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ CristiMV commented Ā·

Hi @cristimv , today we released v3.00~14. Can I ask you to install that and see if the problem is stil lthere? If it is, please let me know by adding a comment there:

thank you!

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iromeo avatar image iromeo commented Ā·
Not related to this, but i saw you have both a symo and a primo. Do they work well on the same phase? (assuming the primo is allowed to feed).

Can I bother you a bit to understand how your setup is, please?

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ā™¦ā™¦ iromeo commented Ā·

Not related to this

So please open a new question. This is all about the latest beta version of Venus OS. Thank you.

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anieuwstadt avatar image
anieuwstadt answered Ā·

ABB B24 Energy export not reporting correctly. Could be related to previous post about B24 export energy register being incorrect.

System overview shows 3.0 kWh to grid and 48kWh from grid.


Whereas Energy meter shows substantial feed-in to the grid for the same period.


Cannot roll back to the prior version as this is a 24/7 production system with few system maintenance windows.

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tomcat avatar image
tomcat answered Ā·

There is a strange behavior with the EM540 and Phase Sequence in VenusOS (v3.00~4)phasesequenz.jpgWiring is double checked and pedaaa is reporting the same:

Dont know if its related to VenusOS or EM540.

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pedaaa avatar image pedaaa commented Ā·

i donĀ“t think this is a Victron issue. As the same Phase sequence error is shown, if you connect the EM540 to the original Carlo Gavazzi UCS7 Software:


there is a possibility to "correct" this within UCS7 Software "virtually"

But i didnĀ“t tried that, as it seem to be even more incorrect then ;)


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tomcat avatar image tomcat pedaaa commented Ā·

The virtual wiring corretion was realy confusing because it does not show the same correction every time. It was random o.O. I tried but got this Error after it


so I resettet it again...

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ tomcat commented Ā·
Hi both, I've asked a colleague to look into that.

If I recall correctly, that value is purely for information; to help diagnose issues. So.. if its unreliable, we'll just remove it entirely.

Thank you for the report!

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majh avatar image
majh answered Ā·

I started running 3.0 - is the root filesystem read only now ? I think before it was read write and I was able to modify files ?

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It's been like that since Venus OS 2.80. See release notes here:

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered Ā·

Issue when using fw 3.00~7

Using a Multiplus II 48 5000 on fw 500 and the cerbo on fw 3.00~7 and the BMS is a 123smart BMS using there latest firmware v1.9 and connected to the cerbo via the 123smart USB data cable.

Main grid is connected. Grid Tie solar is operational and exporting to grid.

Error been seen is below.


Under DVCC if I turn the new feature being Controlling BMS set to *** No BMS Control *** then I get a Low voltage warning and the Multiplus II flashes the low voltage warning light

Turning the 123smart BMS back on removes/resolves the warning issue

I would have expected that turning the BMS OFF would produce NO system errors including a low voltage warning when there is no low voltage and there is NO setting to even set that voltage level

the BMS parameters at the time are reading fine.

This warning is similar to a warning if the main battery has been disconnected or the fuse is blown when mains power is connected. (none of these issue had occured)



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chrisu avatar image
chrisu answered Ā·

Hi there,

I'm having a strange issue with the charging rate. Didn't noticed that before because we had hardly sun. But right now I noticed that not all pv power is pumped to the battery, it is limited at around 2000W/40A

Having a Multiplus-II 48/5000 and 2x Pylontech US3000C, it should go up to full ~75A when there is enough sun.

The BMS is setting the max. charging rate to 74A, in DVCC the maximum charging rate is set to 80A and should not limit it at all. To disable the Charging rate in DVCC completely makes no difference.
With 3.00~7, it is the same.

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chrisu avatar image chrisu commented Ā·

ok, switched back to 2.92 and it was also limited to ~40A.

I shut down the complete system and rebooted, it's now charging with full speed. Updated to 3.00~7 and it also works with full speed. Maybe the Update to MK3 with the 3.00 needs a reboot of the whole system?


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ chrisu commented Ā·

Not sure about that, but good to know. Thank you for the report!

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smart-home avatar image
smart-home answered Ā·

It doesn't look like /data/home/nodered/.node-red/settings-user.js is recognised on startup.....

Since v2.90 when these files were changed from previously using settings.js, I find my context storage settings are no longer recognised.
Possibly this hasn't been working since Feb 2022.

Has anyone found settings in settings-user.js to be effective?

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I have it working without problems. It does need 'module.exports = {}' enclosed around the configuration. You may have missed that. E.g.:

module.exports = {
    contextStorage: {
        default: {
    editorTheme: {
        page: {
            title: "Victron",
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smart-home avatar image smart-home Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Thanks @Dirk-Jan Faber and @pcurtis

Indeed, I had not enclosed my changes within ā€œmodule.exportsā€.
Now edited, tested and working as designedā€¦.

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pcurtis avatar image pcurtis commented Ā·

@Smart-Home Confirm working for Context Storage. I also initially missed the need for wrapping with

module.exports = { 

I use

module.exports = {
   contextStorage: {
      default: "memoryOnly",
      memoryOnly: { module: 'memory' },
      file: { module: 'localfilesystem' }

to have option of memory or file presented in, for example, Switch Nodes


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