
davidp avatar image
davidp asked

Micro-inverters compatible with MP2 ?

Hi. I read many posts about micro-inverter but can we find somewhere wich ones are compatible with frequency shifting ? (connected to AC out 1).

- Enphase IQ7: seem OK (but expensive because Q relay/console),

- Hoymiles: seem OK,

- APSystems: NO

Thank you for your feedback.


Multiplus-IImultiple invertersfeed-in limit
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1 Answer
Matthias Lickert avatar image
Matthias Lickert answered ·
I Have for bad weather days one APSystems QS1 (1600kWP) on Power phase 1 AC Out 1 MP-II Nr.1 that bring Power but second one, the Growatt MIN 3600TL-XE (with 900kWP) Power phase 2 AC Out 1 MP-II Nr.2 brings just 9W Power. The Voltage is changeing from 225V to 232V. the smallest and largest settings are far below and above. So you probably can't set anything. when the weather is good, I can switch off these two inverters via AVM Dect sockets
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