
nicefish avatar image
nicefish asked

Home Assistant - second MMPT ID not found in HA

Hello everyone,

hope there is someone outside who could help me.

HA with all devices are running, except one MPPT (450/100)

In my Credo GX i can see, that he has the ID: 280 but I can't connect him to my HA.

cerbo-gx-devices.pngAre there any ideas?ha-entity.png

This is the code of implementation in HA:

# MPPT 450/100 Westseite

- name: "PV power MPPT 2"

slave: 280

address: 789

data_type: uint16

scan_interval: 10

unit_of_measurement: "W"

scale: 0.10

- name: "Battery voltage MPPT 2"

slave: 280

address: 3700

data_type: uint16

scan_interval: 10

unit_of_measurement: "V"

scale: 100

- name: "Westseite PV power for tracker 0"

slave: 280

address: 3724

data_type: int16

scan_interval: 10

unit_of_measurement: "W"

scale: 1

Thanks a lot,...


MPPT ControllersModbus TCP
ha-entity.png (42.8 KiB)
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It should work like that. Your modbus.yaml (or maybe they are directly in configuration.yaml) entries look good to me.
Only stange thing is that I don't see a Unit ID 280 in the TCP register list.

2 |3000

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nicefish avatar image nicefish commented ·

Where do I find the TCP register list?

I do have two MMPT 450/100. The other works.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ nicefish commented ·
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Mark Maritz avatar image Mark Maritz wkirby ♦♦ commented ·


Unit ID: 280 is not in the list and is needed by HA...

Will this be added to the Excel sheet at some stage?

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nicefish avatar image nicefish wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Now I added a second solar charger. And this one also couldn't be found in HA.

Is there another matching list?

I can't finde the matching for ID: 280 and ID: 281

It would be nice if I could get some help.


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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ nicefish commented ·

Is the MPPT 450/100 connected with VE.Can or with VE.Direct?
It should be connected to the CerboGX with VE.Can and the unit ID should be 100 or in the range 1 - 9.

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nicefish avatar image nicefish wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

all charger are connected with VE direct

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nicefish avatar image nicefish wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

@WKirby Now I connect both RS 450 with VE.CAN,...this works now.


The MPPT150/30 is not visible in HA. ID still 281

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nicefish avatar image nicefish wkirby ♦♦ commented ·


Do you have any idea why I can‘t find my Mppt 150/30?

The MPPT150/30 is not visible in HA. ID still 281

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nicefish avatar image nicefish wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

How can I change the ID? Because I couldn't find die ID 281 in HA, as well as in the Excel file with all the matches.

It would be very nice, if I could get some help or information.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ nicefish commented ·
I'm not sure how your system is getting those device IDs which are not supposed to be.

Did you try to reboot the CerboGX, I'm pretty sure you did try this already.
Then maybe swap the MPPT to a different VE.Direct port on the CerboGX and see if it enumerates a valid Device ID.

I'll try to think of some more ideas.

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nicefish avatar image nicefish nicefish commented ·
@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) is there someone who could help?
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nicefish avatar image nicefish commented ·

In VRM everything works fine.


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vrm.png (107.1 KiB)