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ssp asked

Quattro settings for Lfeli48-100TCAN

Running a 10kva Quattro with 4x Leoch Lfeli48-100TCAN batteries. can find any details relating to Quattr/Venus settings? Any ideas?

Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Ask the manufacturer for how it should be configured according to the battery specs.

You will only find config guides for supported batteries on the victron site.

If you search on this forum, you will find they're not widely used.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


They are not officially supported, but the systems (Leoch lifepo4 not the exact unit you have) we have in the field are running 53.5v absorption and float 51.75v

You have 400AH of capacity.

In the manual use the value they call the equalizating voltage for absorption

Cut off 41V.

Just bus bar them individually to a bus bar like the lynx, as when you stack them, the charge current goes down for the pack. Check the specs in the manual.

It is stated quite clearly 100A for 1 but in Parellel it is 20A max. BTW information is also on a yellow sticker in front of the unit.

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