
ingo21 avatar image
ingo21 asked

RUUVI TAG Air pressure not shown next to Temperature and Humidity


i am running the latest large Version v2.90-27 on raspberry PI 4

today i got my RUUVI Tags. i am very impressed how easy it was to bind those into my setup. i got different Tags and one does

Temp / Humidity / Air pressure ( named : INSIDE BOAT )

which all works fine and shows in the VRM Protal.

BUT the Air pressure does NOT show on the VICTRON PAGE

it DOES show Temp and Humidity it would be nice to see the Air pressure there too. is there a setting i can use to show it?

it did search the forum and went through the setting i could not find a setting to display the Air pressure.

can some one point me in the right direction?? please

i add a screenshot that should make my question more obvious .

Thank for any help


Venus OSruuvi sensors
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3 Answers
hakunti avatar image
hakunti answered Ā·

If you have black RuuviTag Pro's, they doesn't have air pressure sensor.

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ingo21 avatar image
ingo21 answered Ā·

thank you for your answer

it shows air pressure in the menu in the tag settings "screenshot"


it just do not show it on the "page" "see screenshot last post"

and as i just found it does not show it on the device list "screenshot"


devicelist.png (532.2 KiB)
ruuvitagsettings.png (488.4 KiB)
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Donald McLennan avatar image Donald McLennan commented Ā·

I have the same issue. Ruuvitag 4-1 supports baro pressure. For a boat, pressure is very important and indicates an approaching high/low pressure system. There's plenty of room on the Device List page to show an additional field. Thank you

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pausanias avatar image
pausanias answered Ā·

Hi !

Does anyone solved this issue ?
As using Ruuvi tag in a boat, air pressure monitoring is crucial !

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