
joerg-winkel avatar image
joerg-winkel asked

Relais on Cerbo to control consumers under ESS?

(How) is it possible to switch Relais 1 on the Cerbo if the ESS is feeding into the grid, i.e. the battery is full _and_ there is excess PV power?

Would be handy to start e.g. the washing machine when the condition is met.

cerbo gxESS
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3 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Yes you can by loading in a software assistant you can do anything supply power to hot water cylinder, washing machine or what you like based on load current, PV excess etc.


Rob D


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joerg-winkel avatar image
joerg-winkel answered ·

@Rob Duthie I suppose you mean loading the assistant onto the Multi and then use it's relay? I was looking for a solution to use with the Cerbo's relais...

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·

Yes you can.

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lex33 avatar image
lex33 answered ·

oui mais comment ?

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