
robster avatar image
robster asked

WaveShare 7” touchscreen resolution settings

Hi all,

I have a WaveShare 7” touchscreen, bought from the Pi Hut.
I’m using it with a Raspberry Pi4.

When I test installed it with Raspbian OS it works perfectly, with no modifications.
However, when installed with Venus OS the display is corrupted, showing only half the Victron remote panel and a repetition of the top few lines at the bottom of the screen - the system works perfectly over the VRM portal.

I’ve tried the various install instructions, involving modifications to the config.txt file but to no avail.

The first photo is what is displayed when plugged in straight out of the box. The second is the result of installing the WaveShare config.txt instructions. (for 1024 x 600 resolution) although I’ve tried other resolution settings too.

Does anyone have a fix for this?

I’m sure it’s possible, it’s just that programming is still a bit of a black art for me!

Thanks in advance.





Raspberry Pitouchscreen
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2 Answers
johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

My settings, hope this helps

# settings from 1024x600 screen FW







hdmi_cvt 1024 600 60 6 0 0 0



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robster avatar image
robster answered ·

That did the trick - thank you!!

I dutifully entered the details word for word - no idea what they individually mean.

One day I’ll work out what the commands were, but for now I’m just happy it worked!

…thanks again. ;0)

(the touchscreen is slightly out of calibration, but not unworkable- a task for another day) :0)

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Related Resources

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Raspberry Pi running Victron’s Venus firmware - Blog Post

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