
scraggs avatar image
scraggs asked

Smartsolar rs 450/100 charging advice with Multiplus 2

Hi everyone
I am now slowly ironing out the few issues I have had with the Fronius AC inverter charging problems.
I now need to connect my last 18 panels to get ready for the dark nights and it looks like my best option would be a smartsolar 450/100 RS with 9 panels on each string.
This may seem a daft question but the Multiplus 2 inverter with the Fronius connected has quite different charger settings to the smartsolar RS settings, how would that work ? the settings on the RS have many more options and would be the better to use but how do the 2 chargers work together ?
Setup is
930ah (C5 rating) IPzS 48v battery setup, using flooded tubular plate profile in charger
Victron multiplus 2 48/8000/110 inverter
fronius AC 8.2-1 inverter on AC1 out, running from 18 390w panels
Smartshunt 500
Cerbo GX

mppt rs
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

How the 2 chargers work together will depend primarily on the Voltage settings of each charger. This should be controlled by the GX device - assuming that you have DVCC enabled. The GX should feed both chargers the battery voltage and the max permissible charge current.

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