
dsb avatar image
dsb asked

Cerbo GX not communicating with CAN BMS

Hi, All

I am trying to get a battery and Cerbo GX to communicate with each other through CAN-BMS, but it appears nothing is happening (im not too sure what should be showing but nothing changes). However if I connect the battery to VE.Can the solar controller disconnects so it appears something is happening. I have made a duplicate of the Victron VE.Can to CAN-bus cable and have tried the type A and B cables but still no luck in getting any information to appear.

MPPT 250 | 70 - MC4

Multiplus 24/5000/120

Cerbo GX

cerbo gxBMS
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Which battery/bms is it? Just because it has a CAN port doesn't mean it will work.

Some also use straight cables.

The official list is here:

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