
jaeckyl avatar image
jaeckyl asked

5" DSI Dimmer / Backlight broken in Venus 2.7 +

I've been using the Venus OS on an RPI 3b+ since 2.53, and it's worked great, other than having to redo the same steps to enable the RPI backlight timer and dimmer controls.

I have an OSOYOO 5" DSI Touchscreen which has worked flawlessly up until v2.7 where the dimmer and backlight controls can't be re-enabled.

What used to work was:

echo /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight > /etc/venus/backlight_device
echo /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/bl_power > /etc/venus/blank_display_device
cd /u-boot/overlays
opkg install kernel-module-rpi-backlight

Which enabled the dimmer and timer.

Does anyone have instructions on how to do this with 2.89 or 2.90?

touchscreenvenus os v2.80
2 |3000

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
@jaeckyl moved to modifications.
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jaeckyl avatar image jaeckyl commented ·


After reimaging the SD Card to 2.73, installing, and activating RpiDisplaySetup, the timer setting reappeared.

I then updated the firmware to 2.89, and then re-ran the SetupHelper


I selected Reinstall (r)

Now both the Timer and the Dimmer function are working.

I can't explain why this worked, and would still prefer a simpler solution than installing the package manager.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem jaeckyl commented ·
You don't really need to run PackageManager which is part of SetupHelper. RpiDisplaySetup relies on utilities included in /data/SetupHelper directory but the presence of SetupHelper is sufficient to run RpiDisplaySetup from the command line. Just run
 /data/SetupHelper/setup uninstall auto

and PackageManger will no longer run.

You will however need to leave SetupHelper in /data in order to run RpiDisplaySetup and have it reinstall when a Venus OS upgrade occurs.

You can also look through the code in RpiDisplaySetup (a unix bash script) and build your own installer for the bits and pieces that apply to your system.

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