
mickymac avatar image
mickymac asked

ESS Export Limit Query to Grid with existing Grid-Tie


Apologies if this has been covered, but I couldn't find anything relevant to my situation. I live in Queensland, Australia and have an existing Grid Tie inverter (5kw) and have recently added a 3000va Multiplus-II with 1.3kw of panels on a BlueSolar MPPT and 9.6kwh of batteries. We're currently on a single phase supply with our supplier.

While I'm sure most of the energy from the 1.3kw system will likely go towards charging the batteries it would be handy to export the remainder to the grid, however given we only have a 5kw export limit, does the export limit in the ESS > Grid feed-in dynamically throttle how much excess from the MPPT goes into the grid (if we put 5000w in there) or does this only apply to the Multiplus-II?


Our Grid-Tie inverter is currently connected on the AC-In side of the Multiplus-II along with most of our loads. We've ordered an ET340 to measure grid use & plan to connect the grid tie through phase 2 so it can be monitored by the Victron.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

grid-feed-in.png (17.2 KiB)
2 |3000

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lifeingalicia avatar image lifeingalicia commented ·


Setting the PV /MPPT feed in to 5kW should work. Multi can only control the PV /MPPT bit as the AC is before the Multi but with an ET340 or CT it has the info to throtle this part.

Although 6.3 /p with the loss of systems should hardly ever go above 5kW

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mickymac avatar image mickymac lifeingalicia commented ·
Thanks that's terrific news... I've got an electrician arriving next week to hook up my ET340 (was stuck waiting for the Zigbee adapter to arrive as it was delayed) so can't wait to get it going.
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