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cmr asked

Quattro inverter overload

hi all.

Our system has three quattro 48/10000/140-2x100. In the Cerbo CX settings is enabled the option to start the generator when there is an overload in the inverter. In the L2 line there are continuous overloads that start the gen every 3 min. The load in the L2 line can be between 3 and 7 kW. The L1 line has a higher load without problems. Most of the times this happens when the gen stops and we have to discharge the batteries. Any clue what the problem could be? How can we proceed?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerquattro 10kvagen start
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1 Answer
netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

Please measure the connection to the DC system.
Maybe a bad connection to the batteries and thus an unacceptable voltage drop at Moment of Big load ?!

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