
ianddindustries avatar image
ianddindustries asked

Lynx BMS auxiliary and cerbo gx


I have a system with a lynx smart bms powering a cerbo gx from the auxiliary terminals, when the lynx is switched off via the remote control, the cerbo is still switched on and reporting to vrm. I thought that when the lynx is turned off via the remote terminals the auxiliary power would be switche to off as well?

Thanks Grant

lynx shunt
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Can you provide a little more info about how you are doing this? It sounds like you are putting it into standby, perhaps via the soft switch?

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ianddindustries avatar image ianddindustries commented ·

Hi I am turning it off via a remote switch (pin 10,11) and also tried via victron conect app using the off switch. no matter what there is always power to pin 1 I have checked the cables and have can terminators in the cerbo and lynx even with the terminal block completely pulled out of the lynx there still is power to pin 1 I have 2 systems side by side and both are doing the same thing? am I missing a setting in the lynx?

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