
mike4nl avatar image
mike4nl asked

PPP via USB on Cerbo GX?

Hello to the Forum

My question is:
- can i use the Peak Power Pack with the VE.Direct to USB Interface on the USB input of the Cerbo GX to get all Information there in place the APP?

Greetings, Mike

cerbo gxPeak Power Pack
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3 Answers
mike4nl avatar image
mike4nl answered ·

Really Nobody also from Victron no answer?

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mike4nl avatar image
mike4nl answered ·

PPP = Peak Power Pack
with VE.Direct Bus

When i connect a PPP to the Cerbo GX with OS v2.92 then i can see the PPP in the device list and also possible firmware upadets. Image 1

In Advanced and in the Dashboard i can't see the PPP
Will that be changed @mvader (Victron Energy) ?

Are there any changes that that can/will be added?

I ask because i support campers with mover motors and they have a lot and only Victron hardware in it.
Akkus (LiFePo4), Battery Balancer, SmartShunt, MPPT 75/15, Solar Cells and the CerboGX. Yeah and also the PPP pack (20, 30 or 40Ah) special for the mover part.

Now i can't help the customer and he must sue everytime Victrob Connect Software.
BTW: They all use the VRM

Greetings from the Highway/Snelweg A2/A15

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devices.jpg (60.3 KiB)
dashboard.jpg (61.3 KiB)
advanced.jpg (84.8 KiB)
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freher avatar image
freher answered ·

The topic is a bit older - however, is there any information on this? A combination of LiFePO or similar and a PPP as mover battery shouldn't be that unusual?

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

The datasheet of the Peak Power Pack specifically states that the VE.Direct port is for comms to a PC or smartphone only - PC via the VE.Direct to USB Interface, smartphone usually via the VE.Direct Bluetooth Dongle.

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