
p-theologos avatar image
p-theologos asked

The output curent is cut for few seconds when a „big” load appears?


We have the following configuration: (Color Controller GX, inverter Quattro 48/15000/200-2x100 and batteries are Pylontech 3000. We can store there 48kW).


From time to time the current to AC Loads is cut for few seconds. After this the current in AC Loads reappears.

Why is this happening?

We don't know.

What we observed:

When the AC Loads is bigger than PV Charger (solar) then the red LED („Battery low voltage”) appears on the Inverter. In reality the batteries are almost full. In few seconds the AC output is cut and it reapears in few seconds. Like a switch between the sources.

Same happens when we are only on batteries and the Generator (in red in the above picture) kicks-in for whatever reason. Again, like a switch which last just few seconds.

During this time the Color Controller works normally (it is on an active UPS) and shows at „AC Loads” 0 W AND in batteries the real value (in the case above 78%). No errors reported whatsoever.

How can we fix this? How can we avoid the current dropout for few seconds?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerCCGX Color Control
2 |3000

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lifeingalicia avatar image lifeingalicia commented ·
Batteries set to the correct voltages in GX?

Did the system run a couple of cycles?

You might also want to check for Firmware update....

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p-theologos avatar image p-theologos lifeingalicia commented ·
1. Where I can see/set the voltages in CX? I see only the CVL (Charge Voltage Limit).

2. If you mean by „a couple of cycles” some cycles of discarge/charge - well, the system is pretty new. I think that it happened once or twice. Not sure.

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p-theologos avatar image p-theologos commented ·
Another data: When the current is down, the Inverter is „Off” in the above diagram and the Red LED („Battery Low Voltage”) appears lit.
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p-theologos avatar image p-theologos commented ·

Yet another info: We have set the Input current limit at 60 A. We saw that we have there when the current is cut values for DC Current of -79 A. (Now we raised this at 100 A). See here:


Perhaps this is the problem?

The Input Current Limit must be above of „DC Current”?

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