
nilocr avatar image
nilocr asked

Battery to 100% at 16h00

Is there any way to set the Victron 48/10000 quattro to get the battery to 100% by 16h00 every day. Hopefully the solar will get it there but if it is cloudy then the grid should be used.

battery charging
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Yes with scheduled charging.

If they don't need charging then all it does is prevent discharge if you set a window time, or you can just have it charge up to a set SOC.

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nilocr avatar image nilocr commented ·
Thank you Alexandra, that was exactly what I was looking for.
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nilocr avatar image nilocr nilocr commented ·
Hi Alexandra

I have setup a scheduled charging but find that while the schedule is still operating the battery is not used even though the pv solar has exceeded the target. Ie things don't go back to normal operating conditions. Also I see that while the schedule is stil) in operation and the battery is at 100% the operation seems to take 50/50 from the grid and solar to meet the load. Even thought there is more than enough solar available to fully meet the load. Any suggestions. Regards Colin. If I can attach a photo I will to show you

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ nilocr commented ·

Tweak the input current limit down maybe? Or the battery charging amps from grid?

This is where experiments on your set up for fine tuning is needed.

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