
chuff avatar image
chuff asked

AC-OUT2 on parallel system

When used parallel system recommandation is to use same cable length and type for all the unit.

If we have several units in parallel and we want to use the OUT2 output based on the activation of a relay, how do we wire this OUT2 output? in parallel? switch the OUT2 relays of the different units at the same time? what length of cable? Will this not affect the operation of AC-OUT1?

multiplus in parallel
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

According to the manual, the AC out2's should also be wired in parallel, with identical size cable (length and csa.). The relays will all switch at the same time - as long as the AC in terminals are also wired in parallel. In practice, if the AC out 2 load is less than the relay rating of an individual unit, then this will work without the parallel wiring, BUT this will affect the current balancing and max current limits. This does not affect the AC out 1 - except in relation to the total AC current.

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