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merlmabase asked

Odd behavior from alarm port on BP-100

Hello, I'm preparing to use a BP-100 in a 24V LiFePO4 system, to disconnect DC loads in an under-voltage event, and as a convenient cut-off switch for those same loads.

I did some testing with my bench supply, and it behaves as expected - it detected system voltage, and I was able to select a specific set of parameters.

My issue is with the alarm feature. I'd like to have it illuminate an LED-resistor pair on my main panel to indicate an imminent disconnect. This should happen 12 seconds after a low-voltage state is detected by the BP, with loads disconnecting at 90 seconds.

That all goes to schedule, except that when reading potential between the alarm port and ground with a multimeter, I get some strange readings. I get about 1.74V initially, and at the 12-second mark, this drops to 5-6 mV. Needless to say, an LED wired in here doesn't work.

My electrical experience is very limited, but I've confirmed multiple times that the BP is set to mode A7. Appreciate any insight from the folks here.

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