
Chris Moller avatar image
Chris Moller asked

Scheduled discharging?

In the UK, we're getting very worried about the grid's ability to support the peak load in the early evening this coming winter. As a result, my DNO is offering an agile tariff, where they will pay very generously (up to £6/kWh in the most extreme case!) to anyone who discharges their batteries to the grid between 6-7pm this coming winter. Is there any way I can program my Victron system (Multiplus-II + ESS) to do this - perhaps via Scheduled Charging with a negative limit?

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3 Answers
pau1phi11ips avatar image
pau1phi11ips answered ·

Sorry, can't help with the negative limit but I've looked into Agile, doing what you suggested, and it's better on Go using the super cheap night rate to charge the battery and power the house all day.

I'm still on the 5p/15p rates until Sept and the average price for my usage is currently 6.36p/kWh for the whole day. When this changes to the 7.5p/30p rates it will be even more beneficial to stay on Go I think. The cheapest rates on the Agile never seem to get that low.

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Chris Moller avatar image
Chris Moller answered ·

That's amazing, Paul - that's even less than I'm paying for gas! (I too import on Economy 7, but export on Agile.) If Victron would enable us to export from battery, it would be really easy for me to justify getting more batteries and a larger Victron box in time for the winter!

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Nico Bayer avatar image
Nico Bayer answered ·

You can set a negative grid setpoint to discharge the batteries into the grid.
To automate that you could use node red.

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dmsims avatar image dmsims commented ·
Thanks for that, only issue I can see is that setting is Global ?
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Nico Bayer avatar image Nico Bayer dmsims commented ·
What do you mean with global?

If you set the grid setpoint to lets say -1000W, the system will try to export 1000W. If there is no solar, it will take that power from the battery until the min SOC is reached.
To change the grid setpoint during the day you have to use something like node red running on the gx device or change the value over modbus by an external controller.

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dmsims avatar image dmsims Nico Bayer commented ·
Sorry I mean that you cannot incorporate that setting as part of a schedule

e.g. I would want to disable export when charging during a cheap Grid timeslot

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